Part 8

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Percy, Annabeth and I left Olympus for some place called Camp Half-Blood. The travel didn't take that long, but it felt like forever considering I hate Percy. If I could actually do magic, he'd be dead. Maybe I could use my pant-inflating spell on him.

We arrived at Camp-Half Blood by sundown. When I went in, I saw kids of all ages sword-fighting, practicing archery, and climbing up walls of lava. Percy sort of just ditched me, so I was left with Annabeth, who brought me to Chiron.

When we reached this so-called legendary Chiron, Annabeth said, "Justin, this is-"

"WHOA! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, falling backwards in shock. Chiron was one of those things that's half-horse, half-human. "EVERYBODY RUN BEFORE IT EATS ONE OF US!" I shrieked, and then took off running.

Annabeth caught me by the collar and said, "Justin, this is Chiron. He's a centaur."

"Oh," I said freezing in realization. I brushed off my shirt and flipped my hair. "Nice you."

"I wish I could say the same," Chiron said with a condescending look. "You're the child of the Big Three, don't act like a mentally retarded gay boy."

"But I am a mentally retarded gay boy," I argued. The whole camp went silent and stared at me, making me realize what I had just said.

Chiron looked up at the sky and mouthed "Why?" He then looked at me and said, "Go wash up, we're playing Capture the Flag tonight."

At dinner, I just dug into my food as soon as I got it. Everyone looked at me like I had just broken the law. "What?" I asked through a mouthful of hot dog.

"Um, you're supposed to offer some of your food to the gods for keeping you alive. It's a thank-you," Annabeth explained.

"My dad hates me. Screw offerings," I said, taking another bite of food. About five seconds later, a huge bolt of lightning shot out of the sky, zapped me, and knocked me unconcious for seven minutes. When I awoke, I found my head in the pile of beans on my plate. No one had tried to help me.

Capture the Flag was even worse. I could hardly hold a sword or draw a bow, so my team kept me down my the river, standing in the water. I don't know why they thought water would help, because the Ares (god of war) cabin just walked on by and gave me a wedgie that I needed surgery to remove.

So no, being a demigod is not fun. At all. Diddlysquat.

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