Cavity Search

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It all started with two words.

"Cavity search"

The newbie shook nervously as the criminal that had just turned himself in was asked to put his hands on the table. He'd never done a cavity search before in his life, so with anticipation and anxiety evident in his eager youthful eyes, he pulled his protective plastic glove on with a snap.

On request, the man dropped his pants and Doug was suddenly the most uncomfortable he'd ever been in his life as he walked up to the man that he was about to violate. Doug was pretty sure there was nothing up there; that he was just being tested by his counterparts, seeing as he /was/ the newbie after all. But, sadly, it couldnt be helped. The team lifted the criminal's coat above his rear for Doug to get a better visual of where exactly he was probing. As the newbie took a nice long look, he couldnt help but notice the firm roundness that was Guias's buttocks. He made a mental note of "That fine ass" as he reached for the tub of vasaline sitting on a nearby table next to the group of surrounding officers.

"Are ye jus' gonna look? Or are ye gonna get this ova with?" the man, known as Guias Blackwood almost seemed playful in his snappy remark. Doug sighed, shaking his head a little bit.

"Let's just get this over with..."

He coated his fingers in vasaline before lowering them to the man's oriface, rubbing around the hole slightly, for maximum lubrication, and slipping inside, slowly at first, wiggling his fingers about to check for any objects that may or may not be in that area. Guias grunted in an almost uncomfortably soft way as he did; his opening, squeezing down on his fingers to try to block out the intruding force. Guias moved beneath his fingers uncomfortably.

"There's no reason ta be searchin ma bum anyways'." He frowns, "Ain't nothin' up thar. I ain't inta tha stuff." He grunts again, shifting his hips to escape the pressure of the man's fingertips digging around in side of him, in almost a stroking manner. Guias opens his legs for him a little more, hoping that the extra area would take away from the pressure, but it only increases the discomfort.

Doug believes him wholeheartedly, but isnt allowed to halt his search yet. He only needs to push a little further....

The second he begins pushing, Guias lets out another grunt, this time his body edging towards the table. He tenses painfully as the probing fingers of the Private stretch him a little in their search of materials.

Doug sighs, "Look, I dont enjoy this either, just try to relax. This will all be over in just a bit." Dougs cheeks begin to burn as this is the farthest he's ever been in anyone, and the situation seems all too sexual now. He shakes his head, attempting to clear any thoughts of THAT whilst he was knuckles deep inside of a man.

The officers around the desk, blanch in horror as the cavity search continues for the next thirty seconds before the Private withdraws his hand from the man. Guias, releases the breath that he had held since the pain hit, and is now panting and leaning on the table for support; cheeks red with obvious humiliation and lack of oxygen.

Satisfied that there was nothing in there, Doug nods to the other officers with a distant look in his eyes, "He's clean." Suddenly something that was started to be a joke; a punishment for the criminal, had turned into something noone would ever forget in any plane of existence that ever existed ever. The men nodded and instructed Guias to pull his pants back up to their normal position before the required probing process, and he was escorted away into the jail cells by the head officers.

After the attention dispursed and the officers had gone back to doing whatever they had done before the incident, Doug found himself patrolling the jail cells beneath the building on his break, seemingly of someone else's will. He walked over the cell holding the criminal that he had so rudely violated, and peered inside, seeing Guias laying on his back, staring at the ceiling when he did.

"Guias?" he called, looking at the man.

"Aye?" Blackwood looked at the younger man, eyebrow raised, "Come back for round two?" THe man's tone echoed his playful, joking nature. The private shook his head frantically as he suddenly became very nervous. He swallowed lightly before gripping the bars and asking the man the question that had laid in the back of his mind since he had pulled his appendages out of the man's rear.

"Would you, uh, wanna go to dinner with me sometime?"

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