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Colton POV
I thought she would come. I wanted to her come. I really don't want to leave but know I know how she feels about me. Fuck she probably thinks I'm a creep for stalking her all day. WHY DID I DO THAT. I run up to this goth looking dude and yell in his face.
'PLEASE PUNCH ME, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE' he glares up at me and gives me a death stare while yelling back at me
'YELL IN MY FACE ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL' My fingers spring up to my face wiping away his spit that has smothered it. I deserve to be punched. I really do. So I yell back this time right up in his face that it would look like we're about to kiss.
'PUNCH ME YOU FUCKING UGLY ASSHOLE' and within seconds of me saying that I see him raise his fist. He swings it and hits me smack bang in the cheek bone knocking me over. I stand back up and yell again. He hits me, causing my nose to bleed. I call him a fat prick and this time he fist comes into contact with my skin about 10 times before he finally gets bored and walks away. I wish he kept on going. I mean I can't even live as my real self anymore. I AM COLTON HAYNES NOT SOME STUPID RYLEE KID. I slug myself onto the train luckily it's a really old one so they're open carriages. (note: probs not very realistic but hey you'll have wait for the next chapter) I look like a plane crash but I manage to get myself into the last cart which happens to be empty. The train makes the chuu chuu noise and off we go. I take one last look over my shoulder just incase she was stuck in traffic but her beautiful blonde curly hair is no where to be seen.

This is a really really short chapter SO SORRY!! But I don't know when I will next be able to update since my week is packedd. oh and I published a new book on the weekend, it's about O'brosey so you should check that out. Okay anyway byeeee

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