"Secret Passage" chapter 37

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Once I was in the clear and knew the rest of the guest couldn't hear us I decided to shout his name. "Ian!" All I saw was his back. He was hunching over and just completely ignoring me. I noticed that he started walking faster. "Oh, no you don't." I said as I ran after him. I felt weak. He started running and I couldn't catch up with him. Finally he turned a corner and ran into a dark room. No light came from it and I couldn't even make out any shapes in the room.

My feet stopped at the entrance of the door. Fear came over me and I held my breath. Just suck it up. This is Ian he would never hurt me. I stepped in and walked into the room. The door slammed shut and I gasped. All my sense were stunned and I couldn't sense anything.

"Ian, please just listen to me. We need to talk." I said in the dark.

"Ian isn't here. " A scratchy old voice said.

"Who is that?" I asked.

Then I herd someone flick the lights on. Then I saw a big library. All the walls were ten feet tall and filled with books. Then I saw an old lady sitting down on a wooden rocking chair and holding up a book. She had white hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Hannah. Who are you and why are you looking for Ian?" She asked me. Her white hair was in a bun and she had long skinny arms. She set down her book and eyed me.

"My name is Melanie and I am the leader of the Harvesting Pack. I need to see Ian because I need to apologize to him." I said.

"So your the famous Melanie. I've herd a lot about you." She said.

"You have?" I asked confused. I've never met her before.

"Do you mean Ian any harm?" She asked me.

"No. I only wish him happiness. " I said and glanced at her hazel eyes.

"Fine then. Grab the green book from the book shelf next to you." She sighed.

Her answer took me off guard. "What do you mean the green book?" I asked and turned around to look for it. It stuck out from the other green books. All the other were a yellow greens and this one was just an old green color. I had to reach to try and grab it.

"For goodness sake honey. There is a stool next to you." Hannah said and she laughed.

I just rose my shoulders higher and grabbed the stool. I slid it closer to me and stood on it. I grabbed the book and pulled it back. The book shelf popped open. A secret passage. Nice try Ian but you are mine.

"Thanks Hannah." I said and ran into the dark hallway. I was walking slowly because I couldn't see my own hand in front of me. I could finally hear someone just up ahead and they didn't sound pleased. I saw a small wooden door. I grabbed the knob gently and then slowly opened it. A loud crash sounded and I decided to blow my cover. I pushed the door open and saw Ian in a madden fury.

He had just smashed a glass bottle and now he was staring at his bleeding hand. The room was pretty small and only thing in here was a bed, mini fridge, wooden table, and two lamps. Ian had taken off his jacket and he stared up at me. He looked more shocked then pissed off. He ran his right hand through his hair. Then he smiled like he had been caught and laughed.

"Please tell me what is so funny?" I asked.

He shook his head at me then just sat down on the couch. "It is just that I thought you were done with me. Now here you stand in front of me and wearing that sexy dress. If I keep staring at you then I won't be able to get off this couch." Ian said. Then he looked down at the armrest.

"Ian, I'll never be done with you. I'll always be here fighting for you. I'm sorry I put my dad before you. It won't happen again. " I started to walk over to the couch. " You're my mate and you're stuck with me." I sat down and ran my fingers through his hair. He shuddered under my touch.

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