"I Volunteer" Chapter 39

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After sitting in silence for an hour Jason decided to head down stairs and make me something to eat. My brain felt like it was ready to explode. There had to be something I could do. Then I remembered that Owen had left the contract for us to review it.

"Jason!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. The smell of sweet bacon, eggs, and French toast hit me. My stomach turned and I knew my appetite was back.

Jason came running out of the kitchen. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked and scanned over my body.

"I'm fine. Just tell me where you..." I stopped as I sneezed three times. "Really! Allergies! Being human sucks."

Jason's face went red. "Don't say that. You're not human. Your senses are just very weak right now, that's it." I looked into his brown eyes and I knew he was clinging to that idea.

I wanted to ease his worries. "You're right. Anyways I wanted to ask about the contract. There must be some loop hole. I need to go over it. I can't believe I almost forgot about it." Jason looked down at the pan of French toast. Panic came to me. "What?!" He shook his head no. Fear made my mind think of the worst. "Did you burn it? Even if you did I am sure he made copies."

Jason grabbed the spatula and took the French toast out of the pan. His brown eyes met mine. "I've gone over that contract at least twenty times and I can't find one. While I waited for you to wake up I read that contract. I can't find one." Hope seemed dashed to me. My body felt so fragile. It seemed that all these emotions going through me was to much for my weak body.

"I trust your word but I would like to look at it. I'd like to hope I find something." I said. Jason nodded his head.

"It's in your study. The top shelf and marked in the tab that says urgent. I'll be in with breakfast." Jason said and tried to put a smile on.

I yawned. "Please bring me coffee. I'll be in my office."

"Wait!" Jason said in a rush. He started to dig through his pockets.

"What's a matter?" I asked. It looked like he finally got it and he lifted his palm straight toward me.

"I found this on the floor. I know it means a lot to you." Jason said with a big grin.

I looked into his palm and saw my engagement ring. I gasped. "Oh my goodness. Thank you! With everything going around it must have slipped my mind." I grabbed the ring and put it on my ring finger. "That's so weird that it slipped off. When Ian tried it on me it..." I had put my arm down and the ring went flying off my hand and to the ground. "It's loose. That can't be." I said out loud.

"We'll Ian doesn't know your exact ring size." Jason said as he fetched the ring.

"Jason, last time when Ian put the ring on me... Wait how do you know?" I asked.

"Ali told me. Is that really even a question? Continue." Jason crossed his arms over his chest.

"True. Well last time it fit perfect and now it doesn't even fit." I reached my hand out to get the ring.

Jason placed it on my hand. "We'll you have lost a lot of weight. You look unhealthy."

"Thanks Jason. That is every girls dream to hear that." I said sarcastically. I walked off to the office.

"No worries! I'll feed you and you will be back to normal before Ian comes back." Jason laughed it off.

I ignored his joke and walked into my office. I had so much to do and I needed to get it together. I walked over to my office chair and sat down. I started to look over the contract.

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