Life Is But A Dream For The Dead

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I woke up to someone running their fingers along my arm which seemed to be wrapped around this mystery person. I opened my eyes slowly to find the brightest blue eyes staring down on me. His lips cracked into a smile as I gasped. I jumped up and stared unbelievably at him.  'Andy?!' 

'Jamie, calm do-' Andy held up his hands and reached forwards towards me, attempting to reassure me before I swatted his hands away.

'NO! Andy you're getting married in 9 days!' I suddenly became aware that I was naked and I grabbed the thin bed sheet and wrapped myself in it. 

'I wish I wasn't...' I heard him mumble under his breath. 'Can I atleast explain?' He pleaded. I nodded before sitting on the side of the bed next to him.  'I don't love Juliet, I never did and she isn't even taking the pregnancy seriously! She is always using the pregnancy to get her own way.'

Just as he said that I recalled seeing her drink at her hen party. How did I not notice that before? Thats the love of my life's child? 'She drank...' 

This caught Andy's attention. His head turned toward me and his eyes grew wide. 'what?'

'Last night, I think I saw her order vodka. I thought it was water at the time but now that I think about was alcohol...' I noticed Andy getting more angry by the minute. At this point I had so much anger towards her myself that I didnt care that I was Andy's mistress.

I leant towards him and crashed my lips on his. They were warm and soft and his lips moved with mine. He lent into me and placed his warm hands on the small of my back, while his other hand cupped my cheek. My hands were around his neck. This moment was perfect and even though I couldn't remember the night before, I didn't need to because I had this point in time. 

As suddenly it had started, it ended, with the sound of the front door opening. I pulled away from Andy wide eyed. I crawled from underneath him as he jumped off me. I pointed under the bed for him to hide under and he did so. At this point I grabbed the closest piece of clothing to me and put it on top of my torso before seizing a pair of boy shorts and slipping them on.

I ran out of the bedroom door and  down the stairs to see who the intruder was. To my surprise and horror I spotted Juliet in my kitchen. Once she noticed me I began speaking. 'Excuse me, what gives you the right to walk into my house?!' I asked furiously and waited for her response. 

She placed down the letters that she had presumably gotten from the front door. 'I was knocking for like 20 minutes and you didn't answer...I thought that something may have happened to you.' I could tell that she was lying about thinking something was wrong. She showed no signs of worry. 'Hey, is that a guys shirt?' At that moment I realized I was wearing Andy shirt from last night. 'Did you have a guy over last night? Is he still here?' Her excitement seemed to grow and she stepped closer towards the stairs where I was stood.

'NO!' She stopped dead, shocked. 'I mean he already left...' I trailed off, silently begging her to believe me. She didn't. 

'Without his shirt? I don't think so.' She pushed passed me and climbed up the stairs. I raced after her. She looked in all of the room until she came to mine. She walked in and looked around the room. Thankfully she seemed to give up on finding my 'one night stand'. She sat on the bed forcefully and I was afraid that Andy would react. 

'Listen Juliet I need to get ready and head to work, was there a particular thing you wanted to telk to me about?' I was secretly hoping that she would leave as soon as possible. 

'Actually I did...I came to tell you that you're never going to get Andy back. I see how you look at him, secretly wishing that he would dump me and marry you instead, but that is never going to happen. Why would he want you when he can have me.' She said simply and walked away leaving me there to drown in my self-pity. 

As soon as the door slammed Andy leaped out from underneath the bed and enveloped me in a hug. He stroked my hair. 'You know that isn't true Jamie...'

'So why are you marrying her?!' I pushed Andy back and he fell back onto the bed. 

'You know why Jamie, for my baby...' He slowly edged closer towards me and held out his hand as if I was some sort of dangerous animal. I crossed my arms.

'So after the way she just spoke to me, you're still marrying her! After you cheated on me and got her pregnant and then cheated  on her with me! You're just going to push me aside!' I was furious.

'Jamie please-' 

'NO!' At this point tears were falling down my face. 'Get OUT!!!' I screamed, with my hands in fists. I stood in that same spot until I heard the door slam for the second time today. I just fell towards the ground and cried. I must have been on the floor for hours as by the time I looked out the window the sky was dark.

I grabbed ,my phone and rang the last number I ever thought I would...

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