Crawling Into The Darkness

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I walked up the driveway, passed the rusty old car, towards the tattered house. Unfortunately I had signed a 6 month lease so I still had to pay for my house. Luckily that gives me somewhere to keep all of my stuff and savings. 

For the foreseeable future, this would be my home. I would never have thought that I would end up back here. I opened up the blue flaking door and walked into the hallway. 

Everything was exactly how it was when I left. The wallpaper was ripped and stained as well as blood stains still on the kitchen island. I walked up the the carpeted stairs up to my room. When I walked in, my eyes widened. Everything was upside down. My posters were ripped from my walls and beer stains took there place. My wood flooring was littered with broken beer bottles and all of my belongings were either ripped smashed or had been burned.

I began cleaning my room. Sweeping up the glass and hoovering the remaining debris. I binned all of my damaged belongings and straightened up my room. After I was finished, my room looked incredibly empty.

I then proceeded to tidy up the downstairs of the house. I binned all the empty food packets and cleaned the blood and various other stains off of all the surfaces. I straightened out the furniture and checked the time. 

I had been tidying for 2 hours but I still had 2 hours of spare time. I decided to go back to my house and pick up some furnishings and bedding as well as some pictures, to help get my bedroom back to the way I left it. 

Once I got back to the house I only had 30 minutes before he got home. I quickly redecorated my room before I heard the front door slam.

I quickly straightened up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen where he stood. 'Hello Dad' 

'I knew you would come crawling back to me...eventually...' He proceeded to look through all of the cupboards and fridge. 'How come we have no food?' He asked almost angrily.

'I binned all of the empty food packets and out of date food...' I trailed off. He turned around and loomed over me.

'I expect there to be food and a full meal to be cooked for me when I get in from work!' He yelled. 'Do you understand!?' 

'Yes Dad, I understand. I'll go shopping now...' He took 20 pounds out of his pockets and wrote a quick list on a scrap piece of paper. He shoved it in my hand and forcefully shoved me towards the front door. I tripped over and crashed towards the ground. The shopping list and money went flying across the room. 

'NOW!' He screamed at the top of his lungs. I quickly grabbed my belongings and ran out the front door. 

That was a good start of the day. This was going to be a long couple of years. I practically ran to the shops in fear of being hit by my dad. I quickly raced through all of the aisles and I could feel my eyes still watering off being pushed to the ground.

'Jamie?' I heard a small voice say as I was hurrying to the check out. I was almost afraid to turn around however I reluctantly did. There stood Andy, Ashley and Jinxx. I slowly smiled and began to head back towards the checkouts but was stopped by Jinxx. 

He placed his hand on my shoulder so I would stop trying to escape and he turned me around. 'Are you okay? There is a shop closer to your house isn't there? Why you over here?' He asked.

'I just fancied a change' I said and sped towards the checkouts for the third time.

'Jamie? I tried knocking on your house this morning but there was no answer...' Andy mumbled in my direction. I sighed.

'I was out.' I said, wishing this would end so my dad wouldn't get angry.

'Can we at least give you a lift?' Ashley spoke up and stepped towards me.

'LOOK! Can you just BACK OFF! I need to GO!' I screamed and stormed off.

After I payed for the shopping I hurried home. The last thing I wanted was to be told off by my Father. I did regret shouting at the guys because I hadn't seen them in ages and to be honest, I missed them. A lot. I know they were just trying to help but they don't understand what will happen to me if I keep my father waiting.

I quickly ran up the drive and opened the front door to find my father sitting at the island counter impatiently.  He got up and stood over me once more. 'What took you so long?!' He asked angrily.

'Th- the ques we-were very long.' I stuttered. 'I got here a-as fast as I-I could...' All of a sudden his hand raised above his head and collided with my cheek. The pain was unbearable. He must have been desperate for me to crawl back home because that was the hardest he had ever slapped me before. Tears welled up in my eyes and I solemnly walked to the kitchen.

Whilst putting the shopping away and trying not to cry, I could feel my dad watch me. The feeling was uncomfortable as I didn't want him to beat me like he did before I left. 'May I go to bed?' I quietly asked after finishing the chores. 

He looked at me and seemed to contemplate whether to be 'nice' to me or not. 'Fine...But just because I love you I will make my own dinner tonight.' He rose from the chair and I was afraid he might hit me again but to my surprise, he kept his hands away from me.

I hurried upstairs to my nicely decorated room. This was even more my heaven then my old room in this house. Although I didn't have my posters, or all of the trinkets that I had received over the years. This room held new, happier memories than the last one ever could. 

I looked in the mirror to check if my appearance was still presentable for Andy's wedding. I had a huge red mark across my face that would surely turn into a bruise. I would have to try and stay out of trouble for the next few days. I don't know how Juliet would react if I missed her second hen party and I turned up looking like this. 4 more days....

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