Don't Try To Fix This Broken Heart

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I ran in to the hospital up to 6-66 and saw Ashley standing outside facing the wall. He banged his head repeatedly and cried ‘DAMMIT’ I ran out of my black Aston Martin Rapide and called Ashley. He came running towards me and grabbed my arm forcefully. I was being pulled and before I knew it I was in Jamie’s room in front of a young looking doctor.

‘Hello Mr Biersack, I am Doctor Jones. I’m sorry for this but your friend here has slipped into a coma. This was due to her blood loss and head injury.’ And with that he walked away slowly. I fell to the floor as if the Gravity had gotten stronger, I tried to get up but I was too weak.

I walked through my front door into the dim house, placing my keys on the kitchen counter; I poured myself a drink of water. After sipping it a few times anger suddenly grew inside, as I threw the glass and watched it smash against the blue wall, it was replaced by sorrow. I fell to the ground in the pile of broken glass, feeling the glass pierce my skin didn’t hurt at all, it felt…relaxing.

As my back started to become wet with the blood my eye lids began to droop. I closed my eyes and with one last thought of beautiful Jamie, I fell asleep.

The sunlight shone through the windows like a disease, illuminating the dust in the air. I opened my eyes fully to find myself lying in a warm bed with Ashley hovering over me like a wasp. ‘How ya feeling?’ he asked smiling slightly.

‘I’m fine.’ I bluntly expressed, getting up and walking out of my room. I travelled down the carpeted stairs and walked into the kitchen. The glass was still there, sitting in a cocktail of blood and tears.  I walked in and then I just broke down. How could this happen to me? I have just found some one that I really like and now she could easily just slip away like a handful of sand through bony fingers. I don’t know how I could cope without her; she is my heart, my world, my everything. And that’s when I realised…I love her.

Ashley ran up to me and comforted me until the tears had run out. I just sat there thinking of how I would cope without her. I have to start preparing myself before I get my hopes up. After about half an hour I stood up feeling dizzy and started to walk upstairs. After walking into my room I got a notification on my IPhone. I picked up and displayed on the screen was a calendar reminder for tour in two months. Shit.

I can’t believe I have to leave her in two weeks, two FUCKING weeks!! I better start packing. If you’re wondering why I am not objecting to this, then it’s because it might teach me to live without her. I know how horrible that sounds but if she doesn’t make it then I need to be able to survive without the light in my life.

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