No More Broken Hearts...Ever

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A/N: I'm so sorry for takin so long to update. School has consumed my entire being lately. Since its been a while this part is extra long. This is the second to last chapter. Please don't ghost read. Your feedback keeps me wanting to come back and finish this for y'all. So vote away, comment. Thanks for your support guys!
Dinah and Normani stood for a long moment, just staring at each other. Dinah thought Normani looked absolutely breathtaking. She was always so beautiful to her, the last couple of years bringing just a touch of maturity to her features. Dinah had almost forgotten how her skin was so creamy and smooth, like a pool of milk chocolate. Her full lips that were always so soft, teased Dinah with the slight glisten that appeared from the lip gloss that lay upon them. Normani had always had the most expressive eyes. Eyes which were looking at Dinah with the hardest look Normani had ever given her. That shook Dinah out of her trance.

Dinah cleared her throat and broke the uncomfortable silence. "Mani,-" Dinah began. "Don't call me that like you're my friend" Normani spat. Dinah's eyes widened at Normani's harsh tone. Her eyebrows furrowed a moment before she realized that she had forgotten that this was all her fault. Dinah had been so genuinely happy to see Normani again, she may have let a few details about the last time they spoke slip her mind. "Normani, I-" Dinah tried again, then stopped. The words were just stuck in the back of her throat like bile. Dinah had practiced this moment in her mind a million times. She knew exactly what she was going to say if she ever saw Normani again. Now that she was standing here looking down at this girl she had once loved more than life itself, she felt that nothing she had to say would be good enough.

Normani noted the distress on Dinah's features. Quite frankly she could care less what was troubling her so. Although Normani would be lying to herself if she didn't admit that Dinah was still stunning. Womanhood had suited her well, leaving her with curves in all the right places. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back in soft waves. Her pretty brown eyes were looking at Normani with a sad longing in them. That's the same puppy eyed look that used to break Normani's defenses down, but that wasn't happening right now.

Normani crossed her arms over her chest and cocked a curious brow at Dinah. "Did you have something to say to me, or you were just going to stand there mute all night?" Normani quipped. Dinah finally tore her eyes away from Normani's face. She looked down and blushed profusely. She really wasn't used to the girl's brusque tone. Dinah heard a snicker from the girl who had stood beside Normani. The stranger was looking her up and down with her piercing green eyes. "Damn, Mani. She's such a sweet talker. How'd you ever manage to let her go?" Dinah's face reddened even more out of sheer embarassment at the fact that this stranger knew what happened between she and Normani.

"Lauren" Ally said in a warning tone. She sent her a sharp look and shook her head, nodding towards Dinah. Lauren just rolled her eyes, but she persed her lips tightly together, not saying anything more for the moment. Dinah sighed and ran a tired hand down her face. Taking a deep breath, she met Normani's hard gaze again. "Can we talk in private please?" she pleaded quietly. Normani, Ally, and Lauren all sucked their teeth at the same time.

"Yeah, I really don't need to hear your excuses now. It would've been nice to have that conversation two years ago, don't you think?" Normani replied, hurt laced all throughout her voice. Dinah opened her mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out. Normani just rolled her eyes before she backed up a bit and opened the door to the car. "Camz, please take me home" Normani pled as she moved to sit in the car. The smaller girl pinned Dinah with a strange look before she got behind the wheel and started the ignition.

Dinah panicked at the thought of all of this having been in vain. "Mani wait!" she said, subconsciously grabbing Normani's arm, halting her movement. The penetrating glare she was rewarded with caused her to drop Normani's arm immediately. "S-sorry. Normani" Dinah mumbled before she released a heavy sigh. Dinah reached through her bag and pulled out a small card, pressing it into Normani's hand, ignoring the chill that passed between them at the contact. "I know you're mad at me" Dinah began quietly. Normani simply hummed in response. Dinah ignored it and continued on. "If you let me explain, I promise there's a reason for everything that happened. Just use this when you're ready...please". With that, she released Normani's hand and walked back towards a large group of people that Normani knew had to be her relatives. Normani simply frowned and shook her head. When she got in the car, she was met with three pairs of wondering eyes. "Well, what did she give you?" Ally questioned. Normani had been so into her thoughts she hadn't even bothered to look and see what it was Dinah had given her yet. Looking down into her hand, Normani read the card Dinah had slipped her.

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