Part thirty six

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Karma's POV

When we get into mine Amy decides to take a shower

Karma: "But Amyyyyy! The bouncy castle..."

Amy: "You can go on it without me Karms but I'm all hot and sweaty, one of us actually did some exercise today"

I pout but reluctantly agree and let Amy take a shower whilst I decide to text Shane, Lauren, Leila, Lisabeth and Liam to tell them that we are home so that they can come over. My parents had bought food for the BBQ so that we could have another mini party and BBQ with the bouncy castle.

Liam: Cool I'll pick Shane and the girls up and be there in ten:)
Karma: See you th-

I hear Amy emerging from the bathroom and look up from my phone and the half typed message to see her in her T-shirt and panties with no pants on, she takes the towel off of her head to free her still semi-wet hair.

Amy: "Karms have you seen my jeans?"

I drop my phone and practically leap off of the bed to kiss her, much to her surprise

Karma: "You're so sexy"

Amy: "But-"

Karma: "Shhh"

I cut her off with another kiss before I push her onto my bed and climb on top of her and kiss her passionately before beginning to kiss her neck. She moans softly and I smile and continue to kiss her neck and down towards her collarbone.

Karma: "You were so hot playing softball Aims"

Amy: "Really? Shit Karms!"

I've began to suck on her pulse point and can't help but smile at the profanities that are leaving her mouth. I reach down and pull her top down slightly as I begin to kiss her cleavage. Her back starts to arch slightly and she runs a hand through her hair and bites her lip tightly. I quickly tug my own top off of me and kiss her lips again, my hand fumbles to take her top off so that I can kiss her bra covered breasts.

Amy: "Jesus... Fuck... Babe"

I grin as she swears, I know that I'd seen her torso before but dammit it was perfect, she had toned abs and her boobs, damn they were perfect all I had to do now was take her bra off...

I have begun to grind upon Amy, I couldn't help it she was just so damn hot, I can feel that she is trying to contain herself from moaning and taking things further but I don't have the restraint that Amy does. I kiss her passionately and run my hands down her side as she moans into my mouth, my hands stop at her panties and I hook my thumbs in them to slide her panties off.

Lauren: "Your mom said- oh fuck!"

I quickly whip my head around to see Lauren and Shane at the door and quickly lie down on Amy so that they can't see me without my top on and Amy wraps her arms around me protectively.

Karma: "Shit!"

Shane: "Is this a bad time?"

Amy: "What do you think? Go downstairs!"

Lauren shuts the door quickly and I groan loudly, this was just my luck

Amy: "You okay?"

Karma: "They saw me topless..."

Amy: "Yeah well they saw me in just my bra and panties"

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