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A week after Tori got out of hospital, Yasmin had settled in, and I had gotten used to having another person around the apartment.

I let Yasmin take the spare room. I fitted it with new sheets and cleared the closet out. I had a feeling she was going to bring her whole closet with her.

 Though, she only came with 5 suitcases full, so it was a nice surprise.

I was in a rush to get to work, as it was a Saturday. I picked another job up to pay for the hospital bills. It was handy having Yasmin around, as she could look after Tori while I worked.

"Hey Yasmin, I'm leaving."

"SHHHHH!" I heard from Tori's room.

I tip-toed into Tori's room, to find Yasmin tucking in a sleeping Tori.

"Got her on the drugs doc gave her?" I whispered. Yasmin nodded in responce, and gestured to the living room.

"You know Yasmin, you are really helping me out. So, thank you."

"Don't mention it."

I smirked at Yasmin.

"Why, because it'll ruin your slutty reputation?"

She threw my a glance as I slid my purple jacket over my unifrom.

"In a way, I guess it would."

I smiled. "Oh, and here's your keys. I'm placed them over here when I was cleaning up yesterday."

"Thanks Yasmin. See ya tonight."

I stepped out of my apartment, and looked the door. I turned and headed for my car, my black bag hanging from my shoulder, my jacket tugged around me.

'Why does it have to be so dang freezing?' I thought.

My teeth chattered as I slid into my car, shoving the key into the ignition, and starting the heaters on.

The radio started to blare loud pop music. I hit the button, plunging the car into silence. A massive headache had formed.

I stopped at an intersection and started to tapped the wheel.

'Such a dull, boring day.' I thought.

I looked out my window, waiting for the light to turn green.

My eyes sweeped over a glistening park. Though something caught my eye.

A blond haired boy was surrounded by a group of what looked like thugs. There were four of them, plus the leader, who was taunting the blond haired boy.

'It's Tyler...' I thought.

"Oh my freaking god it is Tyler!"


The car behind me beeped me. I noticed the green light, and started speeding. I twisted the wheel, making a dangerous U-turn. I headed for the park.

I quickly parked my car, before jumping out and running over to the group of boys.

"Oi, what are you doing with him?" I shouted over.

The boys started laughing.

The leader, turned his attention to me. He had dyed black hair, and grey eyes. He was wearing baggy pants and a plain t-shirt and hoodie.

"He screwed around with my sister Yasmin, so I'm gonna screw with him."

"So, your gay? I never thought I'd see a gay thug."

He turned red with anger.

"Gay? Who you calling gay? I ain't gay. And never are my homies you know what I'm saying."

"Sorry, Don't know what your saying. And I'm calling you gay. It's true Tyler here screwed with Yasmin, I saw them in bed together. But how can you screw around with him, unless your gay. So, I want you to walk away from Tyler, so I don't have to beat your ass."

The leader smirked, followed by all the other thugs.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do? A little prissy girl like you ain't gonna be able to stop us."

"Dude, you don't know who the hell your talking to man. She's dangerous." It was the first time Tyler had spoken since I had arrived.

"You better shut your mouth before I punch it. You got it."

I sighed.

"Lame. That was a lame comeback. Oh, and you should listen to Tyler." I walked over to the nearest guy and rested my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, whats your name?"

"Dine, Lane Dine."

I smiled sweetly.

"Guess what Lane Dine."

"What, pretty lady?"

"This." I lifted my hand up and punched him in the jaw, sending him staggering backwards.

"That's what."

I heard a laughed from Tyler.

"Get her!" The leader yelled out.

A boy around 15 came at me. I kicked him in the stomach, turned and kicked him again, sending him backwards into a pile of leaves.

I had two of them coming at me from the sides. They were both running at me, un-aware that there was another on the other side of me. So I did what any other sane person would do.

I stepped back, and let them run into eachother.

"You idiots! You got taken down by a girl. I guess it's time a teached her a lesson."

"Dude, if I could take down four of your big boys, I pretty sure you'll be easy, seeing as yur pretty scrunny. Unlike Yasmin. She's a real beaute. Sweet girl too."

He growled before lunging at me.

I didged the attack, barely. He ended up on the ground. Though, he recovered quickly, flipping back up, and facing me again.

"That was to see how fast you were, now your gonig to lose."

He swung his left arm around, which made contact with my nose. He went to swing his right arm, though I blocked it, before punching him in the chest and the stomach.

"Ow, you asshole. You broke my nose!"

"Thats what you get bitch!"

'Nobody ever calls me a bitch!' I thought. Anger started to swell up inside me. 5 years worth came out through my fists.

"Nobody, calls me a bitch!" I screamed.

I kicked him the stomach, before twisting again and kicking his nose. I heard a crack, but I didn't stop. I punched his jaw and chest, before giving an almightly blow to the family jews.

He collapsed onto the floor, tears coming out his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Piss of you ass. Lets go Tyler."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards my car.

"What the hell was that?" He screamed.

"I just saved your pretty face. I wouldn't scream at me!" I screamed back.

"My reputation is ruined! Thanks a lot bitch."

I smiled, teeth clenched.

"Did you just see what I did when he called me that?"

He's angered face, softened.

"Right, sorry. Lets get you to the hospital. I'll drive. And the way your nose looks right now, I wouldn't argue. You look horrible."

"Geez, thanks." I replied sarcasticly.

We got into the car and drove to the hospital.

'Great, there goes my first day at work.'

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