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I sat down and started eating as they walked in the kitchen. I stood up and dusted the crumbs from the buns off my clothes.

"Ben, room. Now." I said, as Lisa set down her purse.


"Now. I want to talk to your mom. Go." I said as he turned and walked out. I waited until I heard his bedroom door close before I spoke up.

"Dean, look I'm sorry okay. I was just upset. I didn't mean anything by it." She said as we both sat down. I just sighed.

"Lis, I just...I know you were mad at Ben and I didn't exactly make it better. I know that, but..."

"There is no but, Dean. You basically downplayed the whole situation. Your fifteen year old son just got drunk Dean. He is so far underage that its not even funny and you laugh. You think it's funny that he was wasted. I don't know how your father raised you, Dean and that's none of my business but Ben will not be raised that way. Him getting drunk whenever he wants to, on a school night no less, will not be tolerated. I won't allow it." Lisa said. I looked down at my burger and sighed. I stood up and started making her a plate. I handed it to her and sat back down.

"I wasn't trying to downplay anything. And if I remember correctly, I do remember agreeing that he is grounded. He went behind our backs, basically stole our alcohol and then proceeded to lie about it. But he did what kids do, he got drunk. He did it, I'm sure he didn't like and he probably won't do again for a few years." I said, she seemed to get more mad the more I spoke.

"Dean, no. Kids are not supposed to get drunk when they're fifteen."

"They're not supposed to. But they still do."

"Well mine doesn't. And he didn't before you showed back up." She yelled shoving the plate away and standing up. I grabbed her arm before she could walk away.

"Excuse me? This is not my fault alright. I didn't tell him to go into the cabinet and drink the whole damn bottle. He did that. So don't even start pinning any of his behavior on my. And now he is my son too, so I do believe that I get a 50/50 share on how to call the shots. Yes he's grounded but don't make a big deal out of it. Believe me I know what I'm talking about." I said as she ripped her arm away from me.

"How the hell would you know anything about raising a child?" She yelled and it felt like a slap in the face. She really just asked me that. She's really looking at me like that.

"Because Lisa. I raised Sam." I said before walking out and grabbed my keys before going to the impala and driving off.

I found myself in front of a bar. I told Lisa I had stopped drinking outside of having some drinks with her but the truth was I found myself in front of this bar often. I didn't always go in but on days like this when Lisa and I would have a huge blow out, I would come here, have one or two beers to cool off and then drive home.

I walked in and saw that the usually bartender wasn't in tonight. It was the day time tender.

"Hey, Bill. Where's Ashley?" I asked, sitting down.

"Sick. I just wish that Evan would hire a second tender for the night shift like he does on the day shift. I had plans tonight." Evan was the owner of this bar, he always made sure there was plenty of staff for the evening shift but not the night.

"Is Evan in the back?" I asked, Bill nodded. I walked back there and knocked on the door.

"Yeah, come in." I heard him yell. I opened the door and saw Evan sitting behind his desk.

"Deano, haven't seen you in while. How've you been?" he asked me. Evan was an older man, more on the heavier side of the scale, and he was all over grey for a man only in his mid-forties.

"Good, Evan. I'm engaged now. Got myself a kid."

"Wow, a lot happens in just a few months." I laughed.

"Yeah, well. He didn't have a father, so I adopted him." He just sat forward in his chair.

"You're a good man, Dean. You're a good man." He said, smiling a little. Evan was actually friends with dad back in the day and so he was a good friend.

"Anyway, I was talking to Bill. Ashley's sick?"

"Yeah, third time in three weeks. I would fire her but I got no one to take her spot. I can't afford to lose an employee." I smiled. He started shifting around some papers and I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

"Well, Evan I don't have a job and I've been in town for a little over year. I can take the spot if you need someone reliable." I said.

"Dean, I know how your daddy raised you. You'll be gone soon enough on a hunt or a job somewhere in Wyoming. I can't take that risk."

"Evan, I'm out of the life. I'm not a hunter anymore. Not since my brother died. I'm not going anywhere." And now I'm working behind a the counter at a bar. Ashley is fired and I have somewhere to go every night. I sent a text to Lisa to let her know and I got to work.

It was time to close and Evan came out of the office for the first time since I started.

"How was the first day?" He asked. I just shrugged.

"Well, easier than it was the last time I worked in a bar but still not as glamorous." We both laughed.

"Alright, well I'm out. I will see you tomorrow. Oh, here. I almost forgot." He said handing me keys. "You have a set, Bill has a set and, I have one once I get them back from Ashley. Lock up when you're done." He explained before walking out. 

I was washing tables when I heard the door open and closed.

"Sorry, we're closed." I said, not turning to look.

"Even for an old friend?" I froze.

"Cass?" I turned to see Cass standing in front of me. I just smiled and folded the dish towel in my hand. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Charlie told me where you were. I thought I'd come find you." He said. I nodded. "Dean, are you truly happy here?" He asked. I just put the rag on the table and walked over to the counter, making sure the register was locked and that the tabs where turned off.

"Yeah, Cass. I'm happy. I'm engaged. I just adopted Ben. I have everything I could ever ask for. Everything I want." I answered.

"Dean, there's a job, not far from here." I froze, my hands tightening around the edge of the counter.

"Get out." I said, walking to the back and making sure the bathrooms where clean. Cass followed me.

"Dean, wait."

"No, Cass. I'm out. I have been for over a year. I am not going to do a job just because I'm the closest person who knows what to do. No. I am not a Hunter anymore. I'm done. Find someone else." I said, pushing passed him to finish up and go home.

"I can't. The job is Garth."

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