Honeymoons over

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Once we got back, Ben and Charlie were waiting at the door with streamers and noisemakers and balloons. We both laughed as it all hit us. I set the bags down and hugged them both. I hadn't realized how much I've missed them and just being home.

"Dinner is actually in the oven and I wish I could stay longer but Garth called me and there is a job a few towns over. So I will see you bitches later." Charlie said, walking out the door. I followed her out to get the last of the bags out of the car.

"Ben wasn't any trouble was he?" I asked. She turned around and smiled.

"No, not at all. He's awesome. Even sat through a Harry Potter marathon with me. Something you never did." She answered. I laughed.

"And never will do. I don't care for those movies. That was Sam's thing, not mine." At the sound of his name, my chest tightened. I still missed him greatly but it was getting easier.

"Remember what I said, one day at a time." She suddenly said.

"Yeah, one day at a time." I just hugged her. "I'll see you kid. Keep in touch you hear?" She agreed and got in her car and left.

About an hour later, we were all enjoying dinner as a family and it was silent. I knew something was bugging Lisa but I didn't want to start an argument over dinner if that was what it would lead to.

"Dean, can I ask you a question?" Lisa said, as we started doing the dishes. I nodded. "What are you doing here?" She asked. I looked over confused.

"I...live here." I answered. She shook her head, clearly annoyed.

"No, I mean, you still want to be a Hunter so what are you doing here?" I nearly dropped the dish in my hands on the floor. I set in back in the dish water and turned to face Lisa.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw your face when Charlie said something about a job. You obviously want to hunt so I figured that we must be holding you back from doing what you want to do." I was shocked at the accusation just given to me.

"Lisa, I don't know what you think you saw, but I want to be here with you. And Ben. I have nothing left for me back there. There is no life back there at that bunker. Just memories. I want to be here, this is my life now. I don't know why you think I want to go hunting with Charlie or anyone else for that matter, I want to be here." I answered. She seemed to relax a little but still seems skeptical.

"Dean, you left last time. We're married now, I don't want to have to worry about waking up one morning and you're gone. I don't think I can do that again." I smiled a small smile and wrapped my arms around her.

"Lis, that was before. Things were different and I didn't know then what I know now."

"And what was that?"

"How much I love being married to you." She smiled and rested her head on my chest.

"I love you, Dean." She said, quietly.

"I love you too, Lisa."

A few weeks pass, and everything is returning to normal. I continued working at the bar and actually make decent money with the tips and everything, and Lisa is actually going to school to become a real estate agent. I thought that was ironic because that's the reason I showed up back into her life in the first place. Her real estate agent for the development she was living was a changeling and she actually kidnapped Ben. She also changed her name to Winchester. I wasn't expecting her to so it was kind of surprising when she did, Ben did as well.

Now we just live out our lives as best we can. I came home at three in the morning but Lisa didn't mind, some times she would even wait up for me. I get Ben to school and on the rare occasion, I even hear from Charlie or Garth. Even Kevin will call and so will his mother. I will not lie, being a hunter was pretty cool, but a normal apple pie life is so much better.

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