Chapter 25

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you guys need to get bakc to me on that story PLEASEE!!! okayy... enjoy!


Jessa's POV

          I woke up to a tickling feeling. I absently swatted at it. It went away for like a minute, then came back. I opened one eye and swatted at it again, but I only smacked myself in the face. "Ow," I mumbled, closing my eyes. "Get up, sleepy head," Max said, kissing me lightly. I swatted at his face. "I didn't want to have to do this..." he started. He tickled my stomach and I burst out laughing.

     "Get up! Get up! Get up!" he said, still tickling me. "I'm- up! S- stop!" I gasped, still laughing. He stopped laughing and pulled me to him. I was weak from laughing. I swallowed, needing water. I cleared my throat and said, "Thanks for making me feel weird." He shrugged. "Time for school!" He said. I groaned. "Yeah, but I'm in my nighte. I don't have any clothes," I said, trying to get out of it. He was smirking. "NIghtie?" I blushed. "Well, yeah, I mean pyjamas. What-ever," I said, emphasizing on the 'ever' part.

      "Sweetie, the nurse got you some clothes," Max said, amused. "Well, I can't brush my teeth..." I said, still trying to get out of it. "Nurses always have toothbrushes," he said. I huffed in annoyance. He smiled and pecked my lips, getting up from the bed. I tutted and jumped off the bed. I found the clothes on her desk. For a nurse, she had good taste.

     For some reason, she knew my size. I walked into the joined bathroom and changed quickly. I grabbed a toothbrush and opened it. I smeared toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I waled out to find Max shirtless. I laughed nervously. "Put your freaking shirt on, douchebag," I said, shielding my eyes.

      I felt arms go around me and squeeze me. I bet he was using his extra strength, because I couldn't breathe. "Max-" I gasped. "Can't. Breathe." He chuckled and let me go. He kissed my forehead. "Love you, sweetie," he said, staring into my eyes. I shivered at his words and said, "Love you, too." He smiled and walked in the bathroom to 'do his stuff'.


     We walked out of the nurse's office trying not to be noticed, but we were anyway. Clarisse and Brigan walked up to us and Clarisse asked, "Where the hell were you last night?" I shrugged. "I was worried sick about you!" she said. I could feel a rant comeing on. "Shush," I said, snapping my fingers.

     Brigan wiggled his eyebrows asking Max, "Didja get some?" Max slapped his face and said, "Idiot! You fucking idiot!" Brigan winked at me and whispered loudly, "He's really good in bed. Ask any girl." I rolled my eyes, concealing the hurt. I mean, I knew he slept with other girls, but still. It hurt. A lot.

      Max walked over to me and kissed my hair, hugging me. He glared at Brigan and said, "Fuck off, prick!" Brigan walked away wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at Clarisse, who was talking in her phone furiously. I saw Zoey, Monica, and Maddy running down the hallway to us. I rolled my eyes, hiding in Max's shirt. "AWW!" I heard Zoey scream. Everyone turned and looked at us. "I see you made up!" Maddy said, eyes shining.

    I nodded. Zoey and Clarisse kept asking quiestions, which I ignored. I only enjoyed Max and then class started. We had to seperate, but I kept steling glances at him, knowing he would look at me, too.


Sorry it's short! I have family over and I can't really ignore them without being called antisocial. Anywhoo, I'll make the next chapter longer and interesting! I already know what I'm going to do! hehe well, night!



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