Chapter 27

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hey it's me!! am i the only one noticing more people are putting gay stories on here... or no? i have nothing against gays! just like saying... anyways here's a chapter for you and also go listen to Heroes by All Time Low! new obsession! here you go... enjoy!


    I woke up and felt strangely happy. Max was up already and he said, "Get up, sleepy head!" I groaned and rolled over. "Five more minutes," I said. He shook his head and walked over near me. He kissed me and slid his hands up the shirt he gave me. He was this close to my chest when I slapped him and screamed, "What the hell? Keep your hands to yourself, thank you very much!" He laughed. "It got you up, did it not?"

    I grumbled something and said, "I don't have clothes." He rolled his eyes and said, "Wear mine." I stared at him. "Really?" I asked, giving him the you're-a-dumbass look. He threw me another shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "But I don't have clean underwear!" I complained. He laughed. "I think you're going to be fine until I take you home after school," he said. "FIne," I grumbled.

    I got up and ran to his bathroom. I combed my fingers through my hair and used the hair tie around my wrist to pull it back in a messy bun. I pulled Max'z shirt off my head and strapped my bra back on. Then I slipped his other shirt on. It was huge! I cursed and pulled the sweatpants on. I had to tug on the drawstring until it was about a foot long so it would fit me.

    I looked in the mirror. I look like a total freak. I shrugged. Max's fault, not mine. "Maxie!" I said. "Get me a toothbrush!" He lobbed into the bathroom and picked upa toothbrush. I looked at it skeptically. "Was this used?" I asked. "No," he said. I spread toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth. I spit the minty water out and rinsed. Then I gave Max back the toothbrush and he brushed his teeth with it.

   Realization hit me like a boulder. "Max?" I said, my voice rising with slight hysterics. "Did I just use your toothbrush?" He spit and gave me a devious smile. "Yes," he said. I gagged, pointing to my tongue. "EW, EW, EWEWEW!!!" I screamed. "EEEUUGGHHH!" I scraped my nails along my tongue. Max watched me, a curious look on his face. "Let me help you," he said. "Wha-" He crashed his lips to mine and forced my mouth open.

   I pushed at his chest, but he wasn't giving in yet. "Max," I said against his lips. "Stop!" He grinned and pulled back a little. "All better," he said. I smacked his chest and said, "Go away, Maxie." He laughed and said, "C'mon. Breakfast." I reluctantly followed him. He stopped suddenly and turned around. I slammed into his chest and he gripped my arms looking at me. "What?" I said.

   He leaned down to my ear. "You look so sexy in my clothes," he said. I blushed. "I'm starving!" I complained, totally ruining the moment. He smirked and said, "Well, all you're going to get is toast." I pouted. "Come o-o-on," I said, jumping up and down a little. He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll make you eggs," he said. "Yay!" I said, kissing him on the cheek.


   After Max made me eggs, he drove us to school. "I. Look. Like. A. Weirdo," I said. Max shook his head laughing. "You look fine," he said. I rolled my eyes. Max got out of his car with me close behind. I hid myself behinf Max a little because I looked so ugly. "Max?" I heard Clarisse say, "Where's Jessa?" Max moved a little so they could see me. Zoey had he ultimate 'aww' face on and Clarisse looked like she wanted to die.

   "Uh, hi guys," I said. They both squealed and ran up to me. "OMG are these Max's clothes?" Zoey asked. "Aww! Look she's wearing Max's clothes!" Clarisse said. I rolled my eyes as they gave me squishing hugs. Max looked amused and I stuck my tongue out at him. "C'mon. I have to get my books," I said, pushing them back a little. They laughed and Zoey said, "Well, let's go, then." I smiled and walked in to school with Max's hand on my waist and Zoey's arm around my shoulders.


Okay... so... I dont mean to sound lazy or anything like that buuuut i dont really want to keep writing this if no one likes it... so please tell me if you want me to keep writing it. i dont know... i just feel like you guys dont want me to write it anymore. i have to get five comments on this or ill put this on hold.


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