Chapter 1: Krista

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I slowly opened my eyes to find myself greeted by the bright morning sun and the lively chirping of the birds. I always loved this kind of morning. I sat up and looked at the clock. It read 6:15. Good, I'm on time. Today's the first day of high school. I'm so excited! I quickly get out of bed and walked towards my bathroom.

After my bath, I changed my pajamas into my school uniform and looked at my mirror. My long, straight, silver hair were in tangles. Strange, my natural hair color is actually silver. Since it's not humanly natural, I tried cutting it before but it grew back the day after. Then, I tried dyeing it but after a few days, it wore off. I guess this hair just wants to stay like this forever.

I went to the kitchen and made my breakfast. I live alone in this house so I have to do everything by myself. My parents just left me when I was a junior in high school, which was a year ago. They prepared everything for me before they left. I don't know why they left me but I just woke up one morning and found out that they're gone. Their clothes, accessories, jewelry, and everything they owned were all gone. That was a dark day for me. My parents were the only family I had and now they left me. But that's all in the past. The past means nothing to me. Nothing.

I finished my breakfast and I get ready to walk to my school. It's just a few minutes away and plus, I need the exercise. I was always excited for school. Everyone treats me so kindly like I'm part of my family. Since my parents are gone, my classmates, friends, and teachers are all I got now. I really hope I don't lose them.

I arrived at my school and it was as lively as always. People were walking, chatting, laughing, and studying everywhere. I scanned the crowd to see if my friends were there. I finally saw them, so I joined them. They all welcomed me with smiling faces and open arms.

"Krista, you're finally here!" Beth exclaimed while she hugged me. Beth was the energetic friend of mine.

"Hello, Beth. I'm glad to see you again," I said to her as I hugged her.

"Geez, you're always late," sighed Anna, who patted my head.

"B-but I woke up early this time!" I whined. Anna just lightly chuckled at my comment. She always tease me.

"Oh, Krista, you're here..." smiled Stacy.

"Hi, Stacy!" I smiled. Stacy was the shy one but I always encouraged her to be more open to people. She took my advice and she has more friends than before. She kept her shyness though but I find it quite adorable.

The four of us talked and talked about our summer until it was time for class.

A few hours later and all four of us walked to the cafeteria for lunch. We sat at a table and we happily converse about our day.

All of a sudden, Anna silenced us, "Shhh... Guys, it's him," We all looked at the direction where Anna pointed and the sight took my breathe away. A handsome boy walks into the cafeteria. His short, black hair lightly swayed as he walked. His green eyes sparkled as the light hits it. He could've been a supermodel based on his looks.

"Wow... He's so... so," Beth tried to describe him but Anna finished it.

"He's so perfect," Did I mention Anna was also the flirty friend?

"I care more for his personality than his looks in my opinion," stated Stacy.

"I totally agree with you, Stacy. I would hate it if I fall in love with guy that's good-looking when really he's a bastard," I said as I laughed. My friends soon joined me in laughing. Soon the boy walked passed us but when he did, he gave me a weird look and an unsettling vibe. What the hell? Did I... just imagine that? Was that a glance or a glare? And that vibe? What was it?, I questioned myself but I shook that thought off.

"So, what's his name again?" asked Beth. 

"How many time do I have to tell you, it's Lionel Eraes," answered Anna. Lionel, huh?

I looked at the clock and saw we have a few minutes left before the period ends, "Guys, we should probably go. I'll see you all tomorrow, 'kay?" All of them nodded and we went out of the cafeteria. Before I left, I took a quick glance at Lionel. He was staring at me and it sent chills down my spine.

School finally ended and I started to walk home. As I was walking, the thought of Lionel was stuck in my head. His first impression to me was frightening. The image of his cold, green eyes made me have goose bumps all over my body. I do not want to meet him again. I snapped back to reality and a few minutes later, I had this feeling that someone was following me. I looked behind me but saw no one there. Imagination, I guess?

Finally, I arrived home. Home Sweet Home~


Yep, that's my Chapter 1. I hope you like it. There might be errors like I said before. I guess I can leave question that might be related to the next chapter to keep you guys pumped.

What do you think of Lionel? Will Lionel and Krista talk to each other or ignore each other?

Like I said before, please tell me if you want Chapter 2~ See 'ya :)

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