Chapter 3: Krista

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"Krista, right? May I come in?" asked Lionel. What is he doing here?! Why is he here?!... I guess I have no choice, huh?

"U-um... Yeah, it's Krista and... I guess you can come in," I stepped aside so that he can come in. As Lionel walked in, he walked a few steps forward, stopped, turned around, and looked at me in the eyes. What now?! I never had a guest before! What should I do?, "Uh... umm... I... I was just eating dinner a-and... uhm... would you like to join me?"

He nodded at my offer. I hurriedly prepared dinner for him in the kitchen. When I came back, he was sitting patiently at the table and he sat at the opposite direction of me. I gulped and put his food in front of him.

"H-here, I hope you like it," I said. He looked at me and smiled. Woah... that's the first time I saw him smile. I stared back at him, entranced by his amazing smile. His smile was so bright and so gentle. I liked it. I soon realized I was staring at him. Embarrassed, I bowed to him, "I-I'm sorry for staring! I didn't mean it!"

"Please, you don't need to be formal to me," he replied. His voice was so deep yet soothing. Forget about him being a model, he could be a famous singer or an actor. This was a different Lionel from before.

I smiled at him, "O-okay," I sat down opposite of him, where I was eating before.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he apologized. It kinda took me by surprise.

"For what?"

"For making you uncomfortable, especially now,"

"Oh, don't worry about it. I don't usually have guests so I'm happy that you're here," I reassured him. He smiled again.

Man, I wish he could smile more often. It fits him.

Suddenly, his eyes turned serious, "Do you know why I came here?"

Does it look like I know?! I just met you and what kind of question is that?! I wanted to say that but I shook my head.

"Right, of course you don't know, I'm so stupid," he murmured. Stupid is such as strong word, "but I'm here because there is something important I need to tell you. Something that might endanger your life."

Thump... Thump...

My heart raced at those words. Endanger my life? What the hell is he talking about? I waited for his explanation.

"Before I get into the details, I need to ask you a question," he said. I nodded, "Okay, have you ever felt strange about yourself?"

I slightly tilted my head at him, "Strange?"

"Yeah, strange. Like when you're angry, does anything strange happen?"

I shook my head at his question. "I have never been angry at anyone before. Well, I've been angry but I never snapped at someone before, so nothing strange happens," Lionel looked a little surprised at my response.

"Never? As in never?"

"Yup, as in never."

"Huh... you're more stable than I thought," he said. I was confused on what he said.


"Okay, you have never been angry..." he contemplated on what he was trying to say, "Look, just try to remember a time where something out of the normal happens, like, extremely out of the normal."

I looked back into my memories but found nothing that answers his question, "I'm sorry but there's nothing in my life that something strange happened."

"Oh, I see... So she's not mature yet..." he muttered. I got a little annoyed at his comment when he said "not mature yet".

"I can hear you, you know. And tell me exactly why you are here and how you know where my house is," my voice sounded irritated.

He sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you. Krista you are not normal. You are not human."

You are not normal.

You are not human.

Those words sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to kick him out of the house for saying that but I kept my composure and listened. 

"You are a descendant of something ancient. I don't know who your ancestor is, but I know that he... or she is powerful and unpredictable," he said. His explanation is ridiculous but he sounded so serious. I needed more information. 

"What do you mean by ancient? And being powerful and unpredictable?" I asked. To be honest, I've taken an interest in this conversation. Supernatural-mystery were one of my favorite types of genres. 

"I mean, your ancestor is something very distant from both past and human. He or she has powerful yet unpredictable powers. The powers, however, are mostly linked to your emotions. So if you're mad, maybe something will break that's around you or if you're sad, it will rain. Do you... get what I mean?"

"... I do get what you're trying to say but... I'm having a hard time believing it," I replied. Saying that you're a descendant of something with powers is not something that's believable. It's something that doesn't exist in this world... or does it? Then again, my parents did leave me a year ago. Does it have something to do with my ancestor or me being the descendant of that ancestor? Was he or she a good person or bad? So many questions were piling up inside my head, I got a migraine. 

Lionel suddenly reached for my hand and gently squeezed it, "I know it's hard to take in but there's still more, please bear with me," he pleaded. 

I quickly removed my hands away from his and silently nodded at him, "Okay, please continue," I said. I could feel my cheeks slightly burning up and my heart started to race. 

"About your ancestor, many of our people don't know about them but some do. The ones who do know your ancestor are sinister beings. The blood of your ancestor runs through your veins and they are willing to get it, whatever it takes. Your blood apparently does not only have the blood of your ancestor, but it also has something else that is mighty. They have been looking for your blood for centuries. Now, they finally know who you are but not where you are."

The more he explained, the more I find it hard to believe. How can I believe such things? Who is this damn ancestor?! Who is they? What does he mean by "our people"?! There are others like me? I needed more information.

"How do you know this? Are you like me? Are you not human?" I didn't care about being rude, I just wanted answers. 

"Well, sort of. I am the descendant of Medusa. Luckily, I can control my stare so you don't have to worry about it," he said as he looked at me straight in the eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, they looked like they were sparkling by themselves. 

"I can see that..." I tried to smile but after everything he told me, I just couldn't. My head ached as if being split into two. My vision was getting blurry and I started lightly to sway side by side. Lionel got up and wrapped his arms around me to stop my swinging.

"Woah! Are you alright, Krista?" he asked. He sounded concern. 

"M-my head... it... it hurts..." I muttered. The last thing I heard was Lionel calling my name, then I lost consciousness. 


Phew! Got this done! I'm sorry if this took too long, blame homework! Anyway, the questions:

Who was Krista's ancestor? Why does Lionel know this? Are there others like her? 

Please like, comment, and share~ :D

P.S. I know I said "ancestors" a lot in this chapter and I'm sorry! D: I'm too lazy to find synonyms for it, lol. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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