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Chapter 1

❁Ava POV

Congratulations! You've been accepted to University of Nebraska!

I screamed, dropping the papers on the ground in my dorm. I started jumping up and down, thrilled about the new start I was getting. After being stuck here at OSU for my first two years, I couldn't have been more thrilled to escape my Ohio life.

I quickly phoned my best friend, Jenn, screaming. "Jenn!" I yelled. "It happened!"

Hearing her squeal through the phone, I could tell she was excited that I was coming to Nebraska with her. "Get here now! We are living together!" she cheerfully yelled. Due to Jenn living in an apartment by herself, I'm sure it thrilled her that I was coming to move in with her.

I looked over at Madison, my roommate, sitting on her bed, obviously not thrilled about my loudness. She was just a pain, so I turned around, flipping her off, mouthing 'See you later, bitch.' and proudly marched out of the room.


-two days later-

"Jen! I got the plane tickets all squared away, I leave soon! I got all my stuff, of need, packed!" I squealed as I walked through the crowded airport. Earning myself some annoyed glances.

Returning back to my conversation, I squealed again, "Don't even worry about all your stuff, Ava," she replied. " We got plenty of malls here!" I grinned at the thought. New school, new clothes, new friends, new boys.

"I gotta go, gates opening!" I cheerfully sang. "You'll pick me up right?"

I swear I could hear Jenn grinning through the phone, "of course, and right after, we hit up this new bar by my house!" I was really craving a drink, and with her, that would just make it even better.

"Sounds like heaven! Can't wait to see you. Plane will land around 9! See you then." I spoke quickly before she could say anything else, I was ready to take a nap, so I would be all ready for tonight.


-3 Hours Later-

"Please take your seats, the plane will be landing momentarily." The plane attendant spoke over the intercom, waking me up. I looked out the window and smiled at the view, oh sweet Nebraska.

Before I knew it, the wheels touched the ground, and I was up out of my seat, grabbing my carrying on and walking straight off the plane. Walking out, I phoned Jenn asking if she was here, which I was glad knowing she was. I proceeded with getting my two bags off the conveyor belt, and walking outside with a huge grin.

Looking around, I saw Jenn standing outside of her car, intensely searching. As soon as we made eye contact, she ran over to me, hugging me. "I missed you so much," I whispered.

"I missed you too, but hun, do you see what you're wearing?" Gesturing to all of me. "We can't go to the club looking like that!" she huffed. "C'mon, let's head to my house. We can get all cleaned up, and head out!"

Just then, I could tell, I was in for a hell of a night.


Hey everyone, I decided to make a new story, and I've been really liking FanFics lately. So... Go Jack Gilinsky *wink wink* enjoy everyone(:

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