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Chapter 10

Another update, whoop whoop!

❁Ava POV❁

Gilinsky rushed back in the room by my side, with chicken noodle soup in hand. I giggled as he as he came closer, watching him attempting to balance all the stuff he had on the tray. From the looks of it, it consisted of chicken noodle soup, two to be exact, some crackers, two cups of apple juice, a bowl of mixed fruit and a few slices of bread on the side. He placed it in front of me, motioning for me to take it.

"Thank you," I said, "It all looks delicious." I finished, smiling grabbing the spoon off the napkin on the side.

All he did was just laugh at little, "You don't have to act like I'm your savior princess," He said scratching his neck while his cheeks turned a tinge pink, "It is just hospital food, wait till I can take you out on a real date, and let you experience real food." Jack said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

Jack came down to sit next to me, grabbing the other spoon, then grabbing his bowl, but instead of him picking it up, I just hissed at him claiming it as mine, he just laughed once again. He continued to grab it placing it on a small side table before standing up again, earning me a small frown.

I watched him walk over to the small table below the TV and press a button turning it on, as I looked up I realized Elf was on, and I squealed with soup in my mouth. Swallowing the food, I yelled at him to leave it, getting my christmas time vibes on. Regardless if it was August, I was ready.

He came back towards me, chuckling as he left it on. Jack just sat down in the chair, making me frown again, "What's wrong?" he said, worriness laced in his voice.

"I just don't know what you are doing?" I said still frowning, "Why are you so far, why aren't you sitting here?" I continued patting the little space in the bed next to me.

As he went to move, I moved my bowl to the other side table on my right, making more room for Jack. I was honestly really excited to sit next to him and just cuddle. I really wanted a do over with him, I had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, but quickly shook it off focusing back on that Jack was sitting next to me.

"Comfy princess?" He asked in an innocent tone.

I shook my head indicating a no, so he crawled under the blankets with me, wrapping his arms around me, I moved a little so I could prop my head up on his chest. This all worked until the cord from the IV snagged on Jack's shirt, causing me to yelp in pain.

Jack was quick to make sure I was ok, but I shook it off, and he laid back down, pulling me down onto his chest. This was the last thing I remembered before I drifted off in his arms watching the movie.


Once the movie was over, Jack had woken me up, and with such great timing Doctor Knight walked in greeting us awkwardly at first realizing we were laying down in bed together. Jack quickly stood up brushing off his clothes, sending her a goofy smile, "So what's up Doc?" He said chuckling.

Doctor Knight let out an awkward cough then continued, "Well, Ava is free to leave, we just have to get her the prescription we wrote out for her headaches. They should be gone relatively soon and the stitches are dissolvable, so we won't have to see you anytime soon, I hope." She said laughing.

I decided I should probably text my mom telling her I was OK to leave now, ignoring the conversation between the doctor and Jack about dosage and rest and boring medical stuff, I whipped out my phone to shoot her a text.

[Ava]: Hey Mom, being cleared to leave now, don't worry about showing up.

I smirked at my text, 'cause well, it was funny to me, so that all that matters. I felt my phone buzz a few seconds into my thoughts.

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