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Chapter 14

❁Ava POV❁

I was still stunned by his coming out of liking me. I really felt the need to tell him I liked him too, but something was weighing my stomach down. I should wait. My response was a nod and it brought a frown to his beautiful face.

Instead, I leaned down and placed another kiss on his lips. At first it was slow, and our lips moved perfectly in sync. That was until I felt his tongue graze the tip of my lip. I decided to tease him a let my tongue slightly touch his, then I retreated.
I pulled away breathlessly and slowly went back as if I was going to kiss him again, causing him to tense up. But me being the tease I am, decided to go up and lightly kiss his nose.

I released a small giggled just then his fingers connected with my side, causing my body to erupt with laughter. “Ja-aa-ck!” I stuttered.

Just then I heard the door open again, low and behold, Johnson walks in. “Well jeez, had I know you two would be having sex, I would have just left my phone.” He claimed while picking his phone up off the counter. His words caused my face to flush bright red, and I hid beneath my brown locks.

Johnson just walked over and rose his hand and gave Gilinsky a high five. I jabbed him in the side for that one, still hiding my face. “You know you should find a better place for that key. Who needs a mat at an indoor complex?” I just sighed in frustration.

“Enough when the mat. I know, I know. And I'm sure Jack told you to give me hell for it.” I hissed at them both. This just earned me more laughter.

Johnson clutched his stomach as he laughed even more then finally bid his goodbyes, meanwhile getting another high five from Jack before he left.

“Really?” I sighed. “You have to embarrass me like that?” I frowned. He just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. After what felt like forever -which I enjoyed- he swiftly moved the chair back, while picking me up. I locked my legs around abdomen, and my arms rested around his neck.

He carried me over to the couch and laid me down, lifting my legs up so he could slide underneath me. He then grabbed my right foot and began to massage it. I gave him a questioning look, earning myself a reply. “I'm just trying to ease the blow.”

“Alright….” I dragged out. “So you dragged me away from my amazing pancakes for you to make me sad?”

“Sorry princess, but I feel it's only right for you to know.” My heart began pumping as I remembered our conversation before Johnson burst in. Did I want to know their past… Was that something I was going to look into…? “I'm going to explain everything, ok?”

I nodded then gulped ready for it, I could handle this. “So it was the beginning of last school year, basically around this time. Jenn got a new roommate, Kimberly. She was sweet at first, just like any person trying to fit in. She never would tell us where she came from though, that should have warned us… But we didn't mind. Johnson’s been my best friend since kindergarten and he was the one who met Jenn on the first day of classes. Well, he introduced me to her and she just came off as sweet and she was beautiful, and I knew I wanted her.”

Those words kind of hurt, because I wanted him to have feelings for me and not Jenn. But then again this was last year, so I shook it off so he could finish.

“So I asked her on a date and we were going pretty well. I asked her to be my girlfriend on our 3rd date and she gladly accepted. So we dated and she would always touch me in ways I just hadn't been before. I was always a quiet nerdy kid in highschool, wore glasses had braces. So no one really noticed me. But Jenn did, so she would always try to get me in bed. I just didn't put out. When she would walk away to do stuff Kimberly would come up and onto me. Eventually I snapped but I'll get to that later. I would always come over, but 80% of the time, she wouldn't be home. Instead she would be with Sam, getting high and doing drugs. I had told her I was going to have to break up with her if she didn't stop. Well she stopped going to Sam’s, instead, Sam came to her apartment. Like I said, I wanted my first time to be romantic, and I felt because we were doing better so I was ready and I had the guys set up a cute dinner out on the porch for me and I called her and told her to come over, back when I lived with the guys. Well, I dressed up and waited for an hour for her to come and didn't pay any mind that Sam was gone. So, I drove to her apartment, and when I walked in, of course picking up that mat and getting the key out. I walked in on Sam, Jenn and Kimberly having a threesome-totally awkward, and some random guy recording it.”

He was right, that would be super awkward to walk in on. No joke.

“I screamed ‘What the fuck!’ and they all panicked. The guy recording said it was for the drug money, and shrugged it off, meanwhile the apartment smelled of smoke. So I knew they were high, and while Jenn panicked to get clothes on, Kimberly came over and stuck her hand in my pants and I just snapped. I yelled at her and yelled at Jenn we were done. I stormed out, and hadn't seen her since then, well, until that morning that is. I thought she was done with drugs, she lied, she cheated on me for who knows how long, and she used her best friend to try to get to me.”

I was really taken aback. What the hell was Jenn thinking. I could see the tears welling in his eyes as he thought about it, but she shrugged it over with a sniffle and continued to rub my foot.

“I'm sorry if that got a little confusing from my ramble. But it felt good getting that out. Now you know why I live by myself. I couldn't stand to live with Sam. And now after what Nate did, I just, I never knew he was in on it too…” he looked down, so I pulled my foot away and moved my body up closer to him so I could give him a hug. “I felt every need in the world to protect you after what they've been doing…” His body shook but tears refused to fall from his eyes. He pulled away to cup my face, “I'm not mad at you for having sex with me, and if anything, I'm glad it was with you. And I'm gonna protect you Ava, always.”

I looked up into his eyes and that weight I felt in the pit of my stomach released from earlier. I knew I needed to tell him now, this was it. “I really like you too Jack,” I said barely above a whisper. A large smile formed upon his face, and he leaned down and kissed me. After a few seconds, he pulled back, looked at me again, then went back down and kissed me again and again.

“I'm sorry…” He stated. I looked up in confusion as to why he was sorry, he had no reason to be. “I'm sorry for not protecting you from Nate. I didn't know he was bad too. But I promise Johnson is a good guy, and I'm over the thing with Jenn, I can see she quit and Sam attacked you guys for a reason. All he wants is drugs and sex, and I'm so sorry for that. But I promise I'll protect you.” I watched as he held out his pinky finger, waiting for mine. I looped my pinky around his, and leaned down and kissed him.

“Jack?” I asked weakly. He looked in my eyes waiting for me to continue. “Why was Kimberly visiting Jenn in the hospital.”

His face looked a little drained of life, but he still replied, “They were friends and she was probably catching up. She’ll be ok.”

I nodded in response crossing my fingers she would be ok, I don't trust Kimberly. She just didn't settle well with me. “What were you guys talking about when I fainted?”

“All I did was yell at her for being here, and ruining Jenn’s life. You were only out for about 2 minutes. We were just bickering back and forth.” he replied.

My brain was swirling with all this new information, should I still be worried about Jenn? Probably. Should I confront Kimberly? Probably. Should I confront Sam… or Nate? Probably not.

“You know what?” he asked, breaking my train of thought.  “Let's go play some put put. Get our mind off this.” before I could say yes he started to speak, “How about going on a date with me, Ava?” Jack said with a smirk.

“I'd love to”


well hello (:

So everything is explained about their past now. Oh and a date?

Ooo lala.

We'll have some Jenn POV before their date next chapter, so we can find out what happened with her and Kimberly at the hospital. Speaking of, why hasn't she left yet... You'll see soon..

Comment, vote, feel free to comment on where I've mad errors too please so I can fix it! Thanks everyone and have a great day!♡

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