Chapter Six: The Night Before

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“Well?” Papa snapped. “Is it healed or not?” He scrutinized each movement of Professor Wash as he prodded at my shoulder. “It’s already been two weeks.”

“Papa, be patient.” I squirmed under the poking of the Professor. I wriggled away.

“Would you stop moving already? You people are insufferable,” He snarled. Tightly, he gripped my shoulder. “Does this hurt?” He raised an eyebrow expectantly.

Placidly, I shook my head. Then I peered up at him, hopeful. “So?” The sooner it was off, the sooner I could start looking for answers. “It feels fine.”

“Shoulders back,” He ordered. After correcting my posture, he stretched the collar of my dress to examine the wound at skin level. “And you feel no pain?”

“No pain,” I stated flatly. Groaning, I finally grew impatient. “You’ve been studying it for hours already.” As he tugged my arm, I realized he ignored my whines.

Quickly, he pulled it above my head. “Do you feel pain now?” He wondered.

“No,” I sighed exasperatedly. My arm lowered with my hand resting on my thigh. “So, can I stop wearing the sling or not?” I queried with enthused vigor.

“Would you calm yourself, girl? It is healed. Now I can finish my lectures in peace without your pestering.” He stomped upstairs, repeating his performance from a few weeks ago. Huffing and whining, he continued his moans upstairs.

Papa gave me a very small smile. “Well, we both know what this means. It means you’re off tomorrow.” Sadness was far too evident in his voice.

I frowned, “Papa…I don’t have to go. Who’s going to help you with the inn? I-”

“Jenny, no. Do not worry about that. I’ve managed on my own for these last few weeks, haven’t I? You’ve planned far too much to not go.” He sighed, “I’m going to miss you though. I still have a few last minute things for you. Just in case.” He handed me a heavy leather pouch, clinking inside when the metallic coins rubbed against each other.

I peered inside with a gasp. “This is too much money, Papa. I cannot take it all.”

“You’re going to need it. When you get to the city, you’ll need to stay in an inn and buy meals. And fund anything else you may want to do. Don’t be afraid to have fun when you’re away. Who knows how many evenings Evan and I spent drunk when we left home?” He shared a grin with me as he reminisced. “Ah, and I noticed you turned a potato sack into a knapsack. Don’t do that.” From under his bed, he pulled out a cloth and leather knapsack. “That should get you through.” He dusted it off and placed it in my lap. “And finally.” From his own pocket, he pulled a rounded bronze object. “My grandfather gave this to me when I told him that I was running away from home. I think you should have it.” Gently, he slid the cool metal into my palm. “Take good care of it.”

I opened the front to reveal the source of the gentle ticking inside. Delicately, I stroked it. My fingers coiled and uncoiled the chain attached to the watch. After sealing it back up, I noted the intricate spindly carving on the front that read Stone. “Papa, I can’t.”

Papa shook his head. “Jenny, I can’t read time. You’ve been ogling at that watch since you were a babe. It’s yours now.” He gave me a tight squeeze. “Now, come on. Do you want to eat early and listen to a lecture? Mary is speaking her theories tonight.”

I smiled at him. “I’ve not known you to enjoy the influence of women during the last era,” I teased lightheartedly.

“And I’ve not known you to want to spend the night doing laundry,” He threatened jokingly. “Do you wish to listen to it or not?” He offered a final time.

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