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~Damon's POV~

I attempt teaching her for about 2 hours and she learned pretty fast. She fell off a couple, no a lot of times but she finally got it and we skated perfectly with few fallings and mishaps. 

"So should we start heading back?" I ask. She nods and we turn back around skating down the sidewalk back to the bus parking lot. We arrive. I couldn't believe warped was almost over. One more stop and we'd be done. The we'd revert to our average lives of boringness and youtube.It has been fun seeing everyone for about a month but we'd have to leave at one point and here we are almost at that point. We board back onto the bus. It was already 11 pm and most were getting ready for the last day of warped in Seattle tomorrow. It was going to busy as always and very sad. I head back to my bunk as does Alex.

~Alex's POV~ 

I head back to my bunk exhausted. I look through my notifications and throw my phone back down and go to sleep. For once I fell asleep instantly. I wake up to the sound of my alarm blasting Cynics & Critics by Icon For Hire. I turn it off. I recently got into the song it was pretty good. I realize it's the last day of warped and I sigh. It was very sad to realize this. 

~Johnnie's POV~

Last day of warped. The first that pops into my brain as I awake. Then my mind wanders to that stupid thing I wrote yesterday. Was I gonna have to guts to deliver it? I mean....I could just not make things awkward like an idiot. I reach over to the piece of paper. I wouldn't deliver it....would I? Maybe slip it in somewhere before we all leave. I sigh thinking that would be the only way to do this. I get ready as does everyone else. Then we head out for the final day of warped. We set up the left over merch and the booth. We are amazed at the line. It was one of the longest lines during warped. I'm surprised we got through everyone it was difficult, but obviously wasn't impossible like we all thought. At about 4 pm we finally finish. We had viewed bands and enjoyed ourselves because we finished with the lines at 1 pm so we had 3 hours to ourselves. Glad we got a break don't get me wrong I loved meeting the fans but it really is exhausting. I got to talk to the guys without any interruptions. Alex seemed to spend more time with Shannon. As the day comes to a close we headed to the bus and began packing.

I start throwing stuff into my suitcase getting ready for the airport. All of our flights were between 6 and 10 pm tonight. The airport was about an hour away. Most finish packing their stuff and head outside. I finally zip my suitcase. I realize Alex was in the bathroom so I slipped a letter into her suitcase and zipped it. Then I quickly got off. She followed a couple minutes later. We all hugged each other.

"God...I really am gonna miss you guys," I say and they nod in agreement. "This is too fucking depressing," Damon says and I laugh a little. We sigh and exchanged our final goodbyes. We head to our cars and drove away to the airport.

I finally arrived at my gate. Security was a bitch to me today but I made it 30 minutes before my flight takes off, thank god. I still barely made it but made it nonetheless.  My plane arrives and I get a text. I shrug it can't be that important plus my flight was here anyways. I get in line and finally board the plane.

I'm Better Off Dead, Right? (MDE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now