Chapter 17

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Kellin's POV

I was laying in Vic's bed as he was out preparing for war. I'm glad we made up but I'm still upset that he didn't tell me that I could die if he dies. There was a knock upon the door which broke me from my train of thought.

"Come in!" I shouted. Tay entered a moment later and sat next to me. "So a Vampire?" I nodded at her question. She sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Oh Kells. You know Gabe is pissed at you, right?" Tay said.

I nodded as I couldn't help the tears welling up inside my eyes. I cut Vic off from my emotions as he didn't need to be distracted. "He hates me, doesn't he?" I asked, my voice cracking. Tay shook her head. "No, he's mad that you didn't tell him. I think he hates Vic for turning you though." I couldn't help but let out a sob. I never wanted this.

Tay pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. "Kells, you're going to be okay." I felt another presence enter the room and I looked up to see Jenna standing at the doorway. "What do you want Jenna?" I said.

She laughed. "Loverboy wants you, not me. I'm sorry." I got up and began to walk past her but I stopped. "You have someone else's scent on you." I said. I saw worry flash across her eyes but it was replaced with overwhelming confidence.

"What I can't get laid?" She said. I ignored her as I led Tay downstairs to Vic. He was sitting in the meeting hall and I recognized quite a few people from my stay here. I walked in and motioned for Tay to sit down.

Vic stopped midsentence and walked over towards me. He kissed me on the mouth even using tongue and I felt everyone's eyes on us. He broke away and walked back to the front of the room.

Well that was great, I'm so glad I get to spend eternity with him. "Okay everyone, Kells, Kellin, KELLIN!" Vic shouted and Oh I was noticed. I paid attention and Vic told us the plan. "First of all, some of you guys are traitors and I will find out who they are. Secondly, Oli Sykes and Tyler Joseph come here." I saw two boys stand up and noticed they were at Jenna's table that morning shit talking me and Vic.

I watched as they walked up and faced Vic. He turned to them and smirked. Usually, I saw Vic smirk like that in the bedroom and it threw me off a bit. Why would he look at them like that? I still had our emotions cut off so Vic couldn't sense anything.

In an instant he pulled out a wooden stick and stabbed the two boys. Seconds later, they were two piles of dust on the floor. My boyfriend just killed two people and It was kinda hot?...

"Not now Kells." I heard in my head and shit, did I really let him in? His smile towards me confirmed my answer. "Okay, that's what will happen if one of you betray me. We have expert seers and awesome mind readers like my boyfriend so beware."

He nodded towards the crowd and they all got up. Apparently this meeting was adjourned. Vic walked over to me and Tay. "That was ruthless, Vic." Tay said. He laughed and bent down. "Make them scared of you and they'll listen."

He then started kissing me as we sat on the meeting hall table. Tay got up and left obviously bored and I guess she was going to find Gabe. Vic moved down to my neck and bit it softly. "Vic, we've been there already." I said in a taunting tone.

He laughed at me. "So Kellin...Were you turned on when I staked those bad boys?" He said a bit condescendingly. I bit my lip as I would never admit it. He slipped his hand into my pants and began palming me through my boxers.

"You're already hard. Fucking slut." He said before he bit into my neck hard. I felt blood run down it and Vic ran his free hand over the wound. He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked it.

He let out a soft moan when he did. He then put his hand up to my mouth and I licked off the remaining blood on his fingers. I honestly didn't even care that it was my blood as it was blood.

He began to kiss me as he slipped his hand into my boxers. We were quickly interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Vic broke away and I saw Mike standing there. Mike was Vic's younger brother and never bothered him ever unless there was an issue.

Vic sighed and kissed me while zipping up my jeans. "I'm sorry." He whispered against my lips. Sometimes I hate the fact he's the leader.

AN: I feel like this is short?...

Oh well.

I love you guys.


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