Chapter 3

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I am running through the masses of people in beautiful ball gowns, their faces, nothing more than a blur.  I hear him laughing behind me. 

"Don't you worry, sweetheart.  You will be mine" he cackles.  Oh Dear Lord.  I pick up my pace.  But I can see the ballroom doors closing my only escape.  He's almost caught up.  He can't catch me; I can't let him.  I just have this terrible feeling.  

Right as I reach the doors, they slam shut and I am trapped.  Frantically I turn around, as Boom, his arms cage me in.  I look up to see his face, but all I get is a glimpse of a black suit before he turns away and disappears.  I start to breathe a sigh of relief, but then I hear a whisper in my ear, "Don't ever forget...mine".  

At that I bolt into the upright position.  Oh thank God.  Just a dream, a scary one, but just a dream.  I look around my room, making sure everything is in place.  My windows, all shut, the door ajar, small blue eyes at the foot of my bed, my covers....Hold up.  Eyes, the door???  I look back and see, to my relief, that is is only my little brother.  

Instantly, I relax and coo at him, "Baby, why are you up so late."

He replies in that half-talk, half-jibberish that 3-yr-olds talk in, " I hawd a bad dweam."

"Poor baby, Come snuggle"

With that, he hops up into bed, and snuggles deep within my many blankets.  I lay down next to him, and he cuddles right up into me.  Oh, if only I could be as young and naive as he was.  While he falls asleep immediately, I lay there next to him trying to think of who would be so possessive over me.  I would assume maybe my pair, but I hadn't met him yet.  So, what was I so afraid about.  The ball was in 2 days, hopefully I'd figure it out by then.  


Sorry guys, sort of a filler chapter but I am trying to figure out what I want to do with the book.   will try to update soon!!!

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