Stranger Danger

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Mickeys POV

Rhett carefully stood up and at that very moment we heard a huge bang. Rhetts back and shoulders twitched once and he fell to the ground.

" Rhett! Rhett! Rhett, can you hear me?! " Link said.

Rhett started coughing and looked at Link.

" I...I can..." He said.

I looked at his shoulder, he was holding his hand tightly against it. I took a closer look on the wounded shoulder. There was blood, but not as much as I thought it would be. I couldn't see any bullet or anything similar. And it hadn't gone out on the other side. If it did Rhett'd been bleeding on his back. And he wasn't. Which was a good thing.

" Rhett, listen to this. You just need to stay calm. Take deep, slow breaths, and you'll be okay. " I whispred.

He nooded his head and followed my instructions. I removed his hand from his shoulder. I put my own hands on the wounded shoulder and looked Rhett in the eyes.

" Just keep looking at me " I said.

He kept looking me in the eyes and I clinched my hands tighter together. He was in pain, you could see it.

" Just stay calm. Keep looking at me. " I kept repeating it.

My hands clinched tighter together and Rhett looked at Link.

" It'll be okay buddy. " Link said.

I kept clinching my hands together. I did all I could to release power into his wound. It was so difficult.

After holding on for a few minutes I felt my hands shaking and Rhett wound turned bright green. A glowing green.

" Mickey? What's going on? " Link asked.

" Don't worry... " I said.

Rhett closed his eyes. I gently hit his chin.

" Rhett? Rhett? Are you still there? Rhett? "

Rhett opened one of his eyes.

" I'm just messing with you! " He giggled.

Both me and Link smiled.

" Mickey? How did you do that? " Rhett asked.

I smiled.

" How? That remains to be figured out. "

Is this the real me? (Rhett&Link-fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now