Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Four Years Ago

After sipping my drink cautiously I decided it was time to meet the waitress from before. I walked out of the bar and re-traced my steps. It takes me a while to get drunk or even tipsy when drinking, so having that drink had no affect on me. Trudging slowly, I found my way back to the cafe just in time to see the preppy girl walking out.

"Oh, wow Princess, you're right on time!" she smiled, watching me slowly walk towards her.

"I was just at that bar down the road and that was the slowest two hours ever."

"Sorry!" she laughed, pulling her hair band from her dark blonde hair and letting it fall to her shoulders. "Okay, well it's only a twenty minute walk from here, unless you want to take the bus?" she continued, pacing her way through the snow.

She turned around after realising I wasn't behind her and paused, deeply sighing.

"I guess we'll take the bus." she smiled, waiting for me to catch up. I looked up and gave her a grateful nod.

"Hey, you don't even know my name do you?" she laughed, as we walked together to the bus stop. I started getting used to the snow and began to actually walk with my head up.

"Oh right. What's your name?" I smiled, looking at her.

"I'm Anna, Anna Steele. What about you Princess?" she replied, linking her arms with mine.

"I'm not a Princess. But nice to meet you Anna. I'm Eri-Raina, Raina Storm." I stumbled, hoping she didn't realize my mistake.

"For a minute I thought your name was Eriranya! But Raina, that's a nice name. What a coincidence your last name is Storm and your first name sounds like rain!" she laughed, her hand clutching her stomach. I wearily laughed along, faking a small smile.

We got to the bus stop where we had to wait fifteen minutes for a bus. During that time we got to know each other, well I got to know her. Anna lives not far from the place we are going to look at, she lives alone but has her family close by.

"So, where you coming from?" she asked, as we sat down. The bus was similar to the one I rode here, but if anything it was even dirtier.

"Pennsylvania" I quickly lied.

"Oh wow, must of been a long journey here then!"

"Yeah, it was" I replied, trying to quickly calculate the distance.

"So what brings you here? Running away?" she asked casually, folding her skinny long legs over the other. Although her tone was calm, my heart still jumped to my throat.

"Oh no-no, just wanted a change, Pennsylvania can get a bit boring." I explained, hopefully quite smoothly.

She opened her mouth as if to say something, but then quickly dropped it.

We began speaking about her, and I learned she had two older brothers and a younger brother and her parents are quite the happy couple.

We got off the bus after a few stops and walked for about five minutes before arriving at a dimly lit estate. I looked up to see the tall flats that looked like it was a few kicks from tumbling down. Anna confidently walked into the estate, with me hesitantly strolling behind her.

"I know it looks bad, but don't worry I have a friend who lives here, you'll be fine" she smiled, before pressing the button of the lift.

Hesitantly I stepped in the lift, and when the doors closed I was sure I wouldn't come out alive. The clankings and creaking as the lift pulled us up caused my body to shake with both fear and movement.

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