Big Easy

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We all have that friend..... In a small town near where I grew up, there is tiny little club with not much to it but it's the best around... Anyway on Monday nights they would do dollar beer night. A good friend (we will refer to her as big easy)and myself would often try to take on dollar beer night, I don't think we ever left triumphantly. One day we made the trek out to this club and we start our battle against the beer, now the beer you get for a dollar is in these tiny cups maybe half of a normal can, and at the rate and quantity we were drinking them I assume they were watered Down.
Now in this small town at this small club  on Monday during dollar beer night you get some strange people coming out, one of these strange people was the sober club photographer. Me and big east start talking to her and in big easy fashion we find out what she had for dinner (spaghetti) how much she had left over and when are we heading there. In the present state of mind this seems like a great idea we all leave the club and follow the photographer back to her place, we notice she drives a mini van but makin nothing of it.
When we get to her place we notice a large amount of children's toys in the front yard, we give each other a puzzled look but against our better judgment we continue in side. The three of us start fooling around on the couch, we loose some clothes and we notice a rather large sizarian scar and some rather deflated breasts... Now at the age of 18 this was terrifying, the photographer suggest she goes to get some toys we agree then the moment she is gone me and big easy both look at each other and agree to bail but first we raid the fridge steal a large bowl of spaghetti and get the fuck out of there.
The drive home we just keep saying we fucked up we fuck up so bad good dammit dollar beer night we fucked so hard never tell any one  about this.... Next day at work my manager walks up to me and says I heard you met my photographer friend last night..... God dammit

One birthday of mine I headed down to Vancouver to hang out with big easy, we had a causal night planned at the strip club of course. My good friend showed up and it was a pretty good time.
But Big easy needs to have her fun, so she got ever one to chip in on getting me a little birthday present, and it was a lap dance from the oldest stripper in the club, she also seemed to have the most plastic surgery and Botox and was perhaps a little on the hefty er side. They tipped her extra as to make sure it was as fun as possible, for my first lap dance it was strangely uncomfortable and I had to stop myself from laughing. But that is perhaps a bit rude.
The next morning Big Easy and I went back to the strip club for some breakfast, the food wasn't even bad, pretty good pulled pork. But the morning strip club crowd is a strange group, a mixture of old retired men and business men, they also didn't seem to be tipping, hard work being daytime stripper.

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