words~ chapter 12 :3

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As I scroll down the endless list of hate comments from pretty much everyone at my previous school; I wonder how I ever thought I could escape this. Had I really thought that moving to a new school would make this type of stuff disappear from Facebook? How naive I am. Ugh, I drive myself mental.

'You don't deserve to live, you worthless little scum, just go die in a hole.'

'Why are you still alive?'

'You look and act like a pig, lol'

'You attention seeking little idiot.'

Of course not every single person was against me. There was innocent little Emily who I've known since Pre-school. We weren't friends exactly, but we talked sometimes, because we had some classes with each other. She's never been the one to torment me, but then again she has never really tried to stop it from happening.

'I miss you Amy, thinking of you <3'

That's sweet, I guess. Well, it's not like she's gonna help things by doing that. I mean, she'll just probably bring hate on herself; it seems I mess up everyone's lives. Poor Em..

Hearing footsteps coming from the hallway, I swiftly shut my laptop and jumped unto my bed. Snatching my phone from the bedside table, I quickly open up the only game on my phone, snake, and pretend to play on it. The most helpful thing that happened to me all day. Haha, there's a saved game from yesterday.

"Who is- oh. You." I whine as Adam appears in the doorway, looking all moody.

"Nice to see you too, sunshine." Adam grunts.

"What do you want? And can you at least knock before you just appear in my room... I mean seriously, I have been in my underwear or something!"

"I wouldn't have minded..." He mumbled, as smirk appeared on his gorgeous face. Oh God, I could just kis-

"Anyway, I've got a problem. Help me?" He says, interrupting my train of thought. He looks so vulnerable and cute, I guess could talk to him for a bit.

"What's up?" I ask, as he flops onto my bed flicking his hair out of his eyes, and sighing.

"Well, there's this girl I really like, but I think she kinda hates me. To be honest, I've been really mean... Ugh, I just need to know what to do, so I can prove to her that I'm not as much of a jerk as she thinks I am. Any ideas?"

Oh. That's why he's been acting all sulky this week. I guess I just thought he was on his man period or something, haha. Nope, this is the problem.

He doesn't like me. Well, I guess it makes perfect sense; who on this earth would ever give me a second glance, lets be honest here. I'm an ugly, hormonal, teenager with scars all up my arms and legs. I have next to no friends, no mum, and I get constantly bullied online because how horrible a person I am, an-

"Uh, Amy? What do you think?" Adam's voice interrupts me from my thoughts. I seriously need to learn to concentrate, and stop daydreaming.

"Honestly?" He nods for me to continue. "I think maybe you should get to know her probably. Not annoying her, not being an idiot, just be nice. Maybe then, if she likes you back, she might let you know?" I think that was decent enough advice, just play it cool, right? Ugh, I don't know.

"Yeah, I was thinking that, but she probably won't accept it! I don't think she would forgive me for it, and I wasn't directly mean to her, but her friend. You'd think she'd feel like she was betraying her or something?" Adam looks deep in thought, as if he's having some battle inside that cute little head of his.

"Adam look, I really don't have a clue. I was kind of busy in here before you came in. Anyways, why are you asking me for advice? I thought you didn't like me. And you know what, I don't like you either, so let's keep it at that." It's quite funny actually, I'm so used to building up walls to keep people out, now it's like an automatic thing for me now.

"I do like you if you must know, and there's a reason for me talking to you instead of Grace or my mates, or some random trusted adult. I feel like I can trust you Amy." he mutters the last part.

"Okay Adam. But I'm kinda busy, so could you go now, please?" I ask as politely as I could. I'm getting pretty cheesed off here.

"Fine." He sighs as he gets up off my bed and walks over to my door. Just before he reaches the exit, he turns around and looks me in the eye.

"She's you, Amy. I think I might be in love with you."


Heyy :3

Lemme know if this chapter is long enough for you!

Sorry for the wait :( I've been busy :s

Oooohhhh!!! Adam and grace action!!!

What do you thinks gonna happen next?

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