Chapter 2. Tricking the Parents

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---(4 Days Before The Incident)---

Leon and Emil had decided to spend their lunch outside, after hearing the previous day about the party going on, Emil couldn't sleep properly, he couldn't eat properly nor could he even write fan fiction properly.

After hearing about the party from different students in their class the two of them of course were going to go, why wouldn't they? It was the perfect opportunity to prove themselves to the others, and maybe even prove themselves to their older siblings. Emil listened in to the conversations of those passing by, making notes in his note book which students were in the know and which ones weren't.

"It seems like most of the girls in the school know, however the boys not so much.." Emil commented, looking over at Leon who was making something out of paper, was it a firework?

Despite gathering a lot of basic knowledge about the party from various sources, Emil still wasn't sure about many things; such as, who else was going, what was going to be served, things like these. The anti-social boy knew he was going to have to find out more information if he were to go to this party, the way he was going to find all this out.. by being the one thing he hated, social.

Emil could write an entire book on how much he hated being social. He would only become social when his best friends were around, or maybe when his family forced him too. He was also a rather experienced blogger so he wouldn't need to be social when his OTP was doing it for him. Emil smiled like an idiot to himself, ah yes, when he got home he was going to read so much Black Butler fan fiction.

"So, what have you, like, found out so far?" Leon inquired, causing Emil to jump slightly, he had come out of his daze.

"Nothing that special, only that it's going to be held at this kid Alfred's house." Emil replied, Leon nodded, he giggled to himself. Emil found that aspect adorable. No one else paid any attention to them as they passed by; Leon had no idea that Emil had a crush on him, and Emil wanted it to stay that way. He was sure that this infatuation would just go away.

"I see, do you think we have to.. Ask people?.." Leon was in the same situation as Emil, the two of them were equally shy, and they won't admit it but they both were babied. "I'm sure that we have to be social.. So yes." Emil explained.

"We are like screwed." Leon commented, watching as some other students played around on the field, one of them being the Jock that Emil was referring too.

"No, we just have to ask someone." Emil scanned the area, in search of a familiar face. His eyes locked on a certain blond haired Frenchman, who passed them along with his two friends.

"We should ask Michelle's older brother, he's popular with the ladies, he should know." Emil pointed out. Leon looked over to him and nodded, his face unchanging. Emil knew Leon was regretting this move as much as he was.

Francis Bonnefoy was the main womaniser of the school, the other two womaniser's were his two closest friends: Gilbert Beilschmit, and Antonio Fernández Carriedo. The three of them were known around the school for being the 'mean girls'. They prefer to be known at the BTT, Bad Touch Trio, but ever since someone had introduced Feliks to the popular teen movie 'Mean Girls' that's what they had been called.

"Or maybe we could like ask the host himself?" Leon pointed over to Alfred who was currently sitting down on a picnic table with two other boys, or maybe three boys? From where Emil sat he couldn't really tell. They all looked like an odd bunch, there was a tall young man who was wearing a scarf, okay so it may be September but.. Was it really scarf wearing season? Then we had a young reclusive looking man, who was much more focused on his BL manga than talking with his friends. Maybe another boy was with them that looked similar to Alfred, and lastly Alfred himself who seemed to be doing most of the talking.

Emil stood up, taking Leon with him. 'If I have to be social, this bitch is coming with me.' He thought, looking back at Leon. The two of them made their way over to the table, then were greeted by four pairs of eyes.

"Hello.... Um..... Uhhh......." Emil couldn't speak, Leon was hiding behind him. For most things Leon was usually the one to initiate, until it came to speaking to strangers. Stranger danger and what not, it was something that both of their guardians reinforced.

"Hello dudes, you two okay?"Alfred asked them, his sky blue eyes twinkled in the sun and Emil thought he could see stars in them. Emil nodded slowly. "Y-y-your party?"

"My party? OOHHH DUDES HE WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT THE PARTYY!" Alfred started to cheer, he looked excited. "Yeah dudes, my party is Friday night at eight, it's customary to bring some form of alcohol, so I'll see you two there." He flashed them a grin. "Also you two make and adorable couple." He complimented, the two of them turned bright red.

Emil had dragged Leon away by his wrist. The silver haired male was just as embarrassed as the brown haired one. The two of them had managed to find sanctity inside the school, where they ran up and entered one of the empty classrooms. It was a few moments before Emil realised that it was even more suspicious now. If anyone caught them, rumours would spread like wildfire; how the two boys that sit at the back of the class could possibly be in an relationship. Not that Emil would mind, but he wasn't sure how Leon would act.

Leon was out of breath, his face was red and he was breathing heavily. He looked up at Emil, who was obviously blushing. Leon tried to ignore the fact that he had just been seen as Emil's boyfriend. The two of them shared a moment of brief awkwardness before Leon finally spoke.

"Who, like, started a rumour about us?"

"If I knew I would tell you."

"Do you think, like, Michelle had anything to do with it?"

"Probably, that girl ships us like crazy."

Emil slumped into a seat, then ran a hand through his hair. He knew that if there was a rumour going around about Leon and himself it wouldn't be the first time. Maybe it was just Alfred being an idiot, he seemed like it. Maybe they were just overreacting. Maybe there wasn't even a reason to be so worried in the first place. Now that they reacted like that, it made it seem even more suspicious. Emil faceplamed. This was all his fault, and boy did he feel shitty about it.

"We overreacted." Emil told him. Leon shrugged. "Doesn't, like, mean anything we're friends remember, if anyone, like, asks anything, then we'll tell them the truth."

Why did that hurt Emil more than it should?

Feeling the awkwardness rise, Leon decided to come up with a new topic, and that topic just happened to be how to trick their guardians.

"We need to, like, trick our parents." He explained. Emil nodded, noticing how Leon was trying to change subject. "We could always do the old sleepover trick, that's fooled many parents and I doubt ours would've caught on."

"That's true."

The old sleepover trick, it was one that had been passed down from teen to teen. It was an age old trick where the both participating party's would tell their parents or guardians that they were off to a friends house for a sleepover, that very same friend would tell the same thing to their parent or guardian, now just in case they did decide they want to return to someone's house they always had a hotel or maybe even another friend.

"It's settled then." Emil looked up, just in time for the bell to ring.

"On Friday, we're heading to the party."

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