Chapter 3. The Party Goes Down

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---(A few hours before the incident)---

Tino, and Berwald glanced over at each other. They then brought their attention back to the proposition at hand. Emil was currently explaining to them how he was going to stay over at Leon's house. The boy wasn't ever this excited by something, and with the information Tino knew about Emil's crush on Leon... It was rather, frightening.

"Look it's just a night, I mean this new episode of this K-drama that we watch came out and we wanted to watch it together, so we thought that it would be a good idea for a sleepover, and don't worry his brother is fine with it." Emil explained, trying to convince his two weary guardians.

They once again glanced at each other, speaking in a way that only parents would understand. The alien language that Emil will never comprehend. The boy knew they were acting this weary because Tino knew about his crush. It wasn't fair, if he couldn't go to this 'sleepover' he wouldn't be able to go to the party. He had even stolen some alcohol from Berwald's secret stash.

Tino and Berwald both got out of their seats and walked into the kitchen. The two of them were going to have an adult discussion while the poor Emil was left outside in the sitting room.

"What if he does sleep with Leon?" Tino questioned, his voice wasn't louder than a whisper just in case Emil heard.

"He won't don't worry." Berwald reassured, Tino bit his lip. He knew what children his age usually got up to at sleepovers, they would eat ice cream, play their phones the causal stuff. However, Emil had this massive crush on Leon and Tino wasn't sure if Leon returned the feelings.

"But when we were his age..." Tino tried to argue.

"We didn't 'ave sex." Berwald replied, sitting back down in the kitchen seat. Peter seemed to walk in at that moment, his face looked confused.

"Mama, what's sex?" He questioned, his voice catching both Berwald and Tino off guard. The two parents turned around to see Peter standing at the doorway, Erland seemed to be behind him.

"Oh nothing dear, get back up to your room." He reassured. Peter shrugged then walked into the living room, luckily Erland seemed to be listening to music so he wouldn't have heard.

Tino sighed then called Emil into the room. The sliver-haired male walked in, his arms crossed. Erland passed by him on his way in, glancing upwards slightly, and smiling? Emil was seriously confused about that, what devious plan had Erland come across to actually not be angry for once?

"Ice-kun We've decided to let you go to Leon's house." Tino began. "No sleeping with him okay? If you do I'll make sure you'll know the true meaning of pain." He warned. Emil nodded, he was used to Tino's behaviour by this point.

Peter came running into the room, his face looked as if he had discovered the next big thing.

"GUYS I FOUND OUT WHAT SEX IS!" Peter announced. The three older males in the room all turned pale. Tino glanced over at Berwald then nodded.

"ITS WHEN A MAN STICKS HI-" Berwald stopped him, covering his mouth with his large gloved hand. Out of the corner of his eye Emil could see a giggling Erland. It was unknown to the rest of them but Emil was in fact smiling.

The shy boy loved this kind of atmosphere, even though he would try to deny that fact, it was true. He slumped back into the kitchen counter.

Next stop, Michelle's house.


Emil had decided to meet up with Leon at Michelle's house where the two of them would stay, if need be. It was around five, so they would leave for the party just yet, it was good that it was early. The young male walked up to the broad door, and cautiously knocked twice on it.

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