Chapter 7

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"Girls, wake up. Breakfast is ready." My mom says.

I moan and rub my eyes before opening them. I slowly stand up. The other girls are awake too and they all are in a mess, tangled legs, arms, laying over others. I chuckle and quickly grab my phone.

"Lay down. Don't move." I say.

I go to camera and take a picture of them. I laugh at how they are positioned.

"This one is for Instagram." I say.

"No. Don't you dare posting that on Instagram." Leah says giving me a death glare.

"Okay, I won't, but I'm going to send it to our group on WhatsApp." I tell them.

I tap on the screen a few times and then it's sent.

"Done." I say.

The girls grab their phones to look at the picture. They all are connected to the Wifi from my house.

"Haha, look at your face Michelle!" Joy laughs.

I smile.

"Have you seen yours yet?" Michelle bites back.

"Girls, breakfast is ready. School starts in 30 minutes." My mom says while looking at us from the kitchen.

"Shit." I mumble.

"Shit." I hear Leah mumble at the same time and I chuckle.

"What?" Leah asks.

"We said 'shit' at the same moment." I say.

"That means we're meant to be friends." She states.

"Yeah." I say.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we walk to the kitchen. We both sit down at the kitchen counter and start eating the eggs and bacon that my mom served on the plates.

"Thank you Mrs. Hardings. It's delicious as always." Joy says and she stuffs another bite into her mouth.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can call me Ella." My mom laughs.

"But I like Mrs. Hardings better." Sandra jokes.

"Oh, please, that makes me sound like I'm old." Mom says smiling.

"But you are, mom." I say and the girls start laughing along with my mom.

When we're done eating we walk upstairs and one by one we take the bathroom to change quickly. We do our hair and make-up in my room, so that the next one can go into the bathroom. 5 minutes later we're all ready to go.

"This is the fastest I've been ready to go to school in like ever." Michelle says.

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we should sleep over here more often." Leah says.

"Good idea, but we should really go now. We're late already." I tell them.

We walk downstairs again.

"Bye mom!" I shout.

"Bye Lilly! Bye girls!" My mom shouts back.

"Bye Ella!" Joy, Michelle and Leah shout in unision.

"Bye Mrs. Hardings!" Sandra is the last one.

I hear my mom laugh before we walk out of the door and start our way to school. Joy puts on some music and we chat and laugh on our way to school. Nothing unusual. What is unusual is that Leah is quiet. Normally, she is the one to be the loudest, always telling stories about fights with her brother. Leah walks a little bit behind us. I slow down so I can walk next to her.

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