Chapter Seventeen

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When I wake up, it's hard to know how long I've been sleeping. As I'm lying on his chest, my head is slowly rising and falling with every breath Michael takes. His left arm is carelessly resting above his head, his delicate To the Moon tattoo on fully display. Michael's mouth once more is hanging open just slightly, his face perfectly relaxed as he sleeps. I gently shift myself into a sitting position and reach for something to slip on from the pile of clothes bunched up at our feet. Sliding a shirt on over my head, I'm engulfed by the scent of Michael. Knowing it's his shirt I smile slightly, then work my way to the end of the bunk, unfasten the curtain and -very carefully- make my way down.

I press the button for the door and step out into the front lounge of the bus where Michael had thrown my bag in his haste to get me alone the night before. I grab my bag and turn around to see a sleepy-eyed Ashton stretching in the doorway.

"Good Morning" I quietly say.

"Morning" Ashton says with a yawn, closing the door behind him as he eyes me carefully.

Suddenly very aware of the fact that I'm in Michael's shirt -only- as it just covers me to barely mid-thigh, I quickly slip past Ashton and into the small bathroom to change. I study my reflection in the mirror briefly, noticing the harsh purple marks lining my collarbone and the subtle swelling of my lips and I smile before pulling out clothes from my bag. Knowing we'll be on the bus for the majority of the day, I settle for comfy clothes and try my best to tame my messy hair while brushing my teeth. I step out into the lounge again where Ashton is working on making himself coffee. He turns slightly in my direction as he holds up the coffee pot silently asking if I'd like some. I smile and place my hand on his shoulder before taking the pot from him to make my own cup. Ashton sits at the small table and I follow suit. It's quiet between us as we each sip our coffees and look out the window at the scenery passing by.

As we pass a long line of trees, I notice in the reflection that Ashton is staring at me, almost like he's studying me as he takes a long drink from his coffee mug. I look over to him and he doesn't turn away. 

"What?" I softy ask with a gentle smile

"I'm just trying to figure out why you're here" Ashton says with his brow furrowed as he takes another long sip.

"What does that mean?" I ask as the smile fades from my face

He shrugs, "Just seems strange that Mike wants you here"

"How is that strange?"

"You're not exactly the only girl on his roster" he casually says as he takes another sip.

I break eye contact and look down to my own coffee mug as I try to gather my thoughts.

Ashton places his mug on the table and reaches his right hand out to gently touch mine and says "You know that, right?"

I slide my hand away from him, placing it in my lap as I look up at his face.

I gently clear my throat and say. "Yeah. It's just easy to forget"

Ashton nods and leans back again, looking out the window.

The door behind me slides open and a grumpy, sleepy Paige walks through; I'm grateful for the distraction. She slumps down next to me, steals my coffee, takes a long sip and sighs. Paige looks over at me and frowns. Maybe it's that best friend mind-reading kind of thing, but without saying a word to each other, she knows something is up and leans her head onto my shoulder. I lean my head against hers and sigh too as Ashton slips his headphones on and moves to stretch out on one of the couches near the driver.

The bus is quiet until there's a commotion from the back when Calum and Michael make their way towards us, bickering over something. As they make their way through the door, Paige shushes them and throws a glare their way. I chuckle lightly at this and give Paige a gentle nudge as Michael roughly plops himself into the seat across from me and smiles.

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