Chapter Twenty- Eight: Results

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Joe didn't waste a second in running upstairs the minute he returned home from the airport. The preseason had been long and boring and he was glad to be back with his wife.

"Belle?" Joe asked as he rushed into their bedroom. They only had a week left in the house and all their belongings were almost packed up and ready to go.

"I just did it... we have to wait three minutes," Isabelle explained as she rushed forward and kissed her husband. She had missed him while he was away and she was so happy he was home.

The couple sat in silence until the timer went making them both stand as Isabelle went to get the tests.

Joe looked at her as she walked back in and hope filled his heart and the thought of his wife carrying their baby at the moment.

"I'm... eight weeks pregnant," Isabelle whispered making Joe rush forward and lift her up while kissing her passionately; he couldn't believe he was going to be a father.

Isabelle slowly started to cry as she hugged Joe tightly. She couldn't believe she was going to be a mother again and she couldn't wait to meet this baby.

"We should hold off on telling people... just until we're sure," Joe said making his wife nod as she kissed him again. She couldn't believe that she was carrying their baby right now.


"So how's Joe?" Mary asked as she looked at her daughter who was sitting across the table from her and Louise in the cafe.

"He's fine," Isabelle mumbled. She was a little upset that Joe had rushed off to meet up with friends when he got home but he had other people to see and not just his wife.

"I'm sure he won't be long love," Louise smiled knowing exactly what her son was up to and she knew Isabelle was a little upset.

Isabelle forced a smile as she pushed her chicken Caesar salad around the plate. She wasn't particularly hungry but her mother had forced her to eat.

"Have you tested?" Mary enquired watching her daughter closely; she was sure she was pregnant by the way she was acting.

"We have... it wasn't positive," Isabelle lied not wanting to let anyone know until she was sure her baby was okay.

"It's probably just the flu then," Louise mused making he brunette nod as she sipped on her drink before excusing herself and moving to go to the bathroom.

"She's too quiet," Mary said as she watched her daughter walk away from the table. She hated seeing her daughter so upset and she had only gotten married two months ago; she was supposed to be happy.

"I'm sure she's fine. She probably just thinks Joe is abandoning her," Louise reassured knowing the brunette would be so happy with the surprise Joe had planned.


Isabelle sighed as she got out of her mothers car watching her husband push himself away from his car and walk towards his wife.

"You ready to go?" Joe asked making Isabelle look at him wondering where they were heading. She was tired and just wanted to relax with her husband.

"I know you're tired but I promise you'll love where we're going and who knows... maybe we'll never come back," Joe mused as he kissed his wife softly and took her bags from her and set them in the back of the car.

Joe didn't feel upset about leaving this house behind and he knew the new house would be a lot better for them; especially with a baby on the way.

Isabelle nodded her head and sat into the passenger seat before Joe got in the drivers side and held her hand in his.

He glanced down at her flat stomach knowing he couldn't wait to see it grow with their baby and he couldn't wait to meet him or her at the end of it.


"What are we doing here?" Isabelle asked as she watched the black iron gates close behind the car before she stepped out and looked at the house.

Joe smiled as he locked the car and lifted his wife up bridal style as he moved towards the front door and opened it before walking inside and letting her down.

"Welcome home," Joe smiled as he watched his wife's face light up looking around the hall. It was such a beautiful house and Isabelle couldn't wait to raise their family in it.

"Joe... I love it," Isabelle whispered as she looked at her husband and kissed him while wrapping her arms around his neck. She knew he was tired and she couldn't believe he had gotten off a plane and fixed up the house almost straight away.


Isabelle smiled softly as she walked into the living room looking at her husband fast asleep on the couch. He's had a long day and he looked comfortable on the couch so she didn't want to wake him.

Isabelle covered him with a blanket and kissed his forehead before moving to make dinner for the two of them.

She couldn't believe Joe had done all of this and she wanted to know how he had gotten it past her.

Isabelle rested a hand on her flat stomach with a smile on her face. She couldn't wait to meet their baby and she hoped this baby would be healthy.

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