Chapter Twenty- Seven: Home Alone

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Isabelle frowned looking through her wardrobe, a lot of things seemed to be missing and she was wondering where she had put them.

Isabelle grinned as her laptop rang with Joe's contact on screen. It's been two weeks and neither of them are finding it particularly easy.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't pick up," Joe mused watching his wife sit down on the bed and smile at him. She looked amazing and he missed seeing her everyday when he woke up.

"I can leave if you want," Isabelle teased making Joe chuckle and shake his head as he watched her closely.

"How are you?" Joe asked as he lay back on his hotel bed. He had just finished training and he couldn't think of anything better than talking to Isabelle.

"I'm good... the house work is keeping me busy. I have noticed a lot of our stuff has gone missing but I'm guessing we left it in Dubai," Isabelle said as she moved to fix the pillows on the bed.

Joe froze for a second as he thought about their parents who were moving their stuff little by little into the new house. He didn't want Isabelle to do anything and he had planned a day out for Isabelle with Louise and Mary when he got back so he could do the rest with his father an Jeff.

"Probably but we'll get it the next time," Joe said making his wife nod as she turned around and watched Joe. She had such a hard time keeping herself from testing to see if she was pregnant; she wanted to wait for him.


"Do you want us to do anything with Melanie's room?" Mary asked as she spoke to her son- in- law on the phone. She had just checked on her daughter who had fallen asleep on the couch and she was glad the brunette was getting some rest.

"Take her baby clothes just in case... box up her teddies and dolls, I know Belle will want them kept and all her drawings and pictures," Joe said as Mary and Louise stood in the doorway to their granddaughters room.

The room looked the exact same as the last time she had slept in it before she went back into hospital. Joe had locked the door when she passed away and it hasn't been opened in a year.

"Okay... we'll speak to you soon," Mary said before they both said their goodbyes and they hung up and locked the door holding the boxes in their hand.

"We have to be quiet... if she knows we're in here she'll know somethings up," Mary said making Louise nod as they quietly started packing up their granddaughters things.

They both felt strange looking at the toys she played with before she died and all her clothes but it had to be done, these couldn't be left behind.


"Isa can you please just test? You're not well sweetheart," Mary said as she sat in the en suite to her daughters bedroom.

"I'm not testing until Joe comes home mum, I promised," Isabelle whispered as she let her head rest against the cold toilet seat.

"I'm sure Joe wouldn't mind," Mary said as she rubbed her daughters back. She wanted to know if her daughter was pregnant so she could help her.

"There's two weeks until Joe gets home and then I will test. Not before," Isabelle said strongly as she got to her feet and left the bathroom before flopping in bed.

She knew Joe would be heartbroken if she found out weather they were expecting a new Hart or not.

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