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So this is a shipping of Celestia (my favorite pony. Don't judge meh!) and Discord...
OTP! OTP! OTP! This is like my favorite ship! I mean they're so freaking cute together! And they're both immortal so one won't have to worry about living centuries without the other. Plus, I think that they were maybe together before Discord became a villain. Plus, in the episode 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', Celestia was the only one that laughed at his jokes and said that she was glad she invited Discord.
Rating 1-10: 1,000,000/10 <3
That's pretty much it. If you have a girl x guy ship that you want me to write my opinion on please leave it in the comments. Also, please spread word of this book because it's not very popular at the moment :p. Bye!

Ships :3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora