
44 2 5

Requested by: Sychopath1117
So this is a shipping of autumn_miller012 and Nick Anderson (the guy she totally has a crush on)...
YES! They are so cute together!!! They're both hilarious, (from what I've heard about Nick.) they go to the same school, and they both look adorable together! Also, the guy plays Minecraft, so he's good in my books.
Rating 1-10: 9,999/10
Well that's pretty much it. In case you didn't notice, this was all a joke (but I still ship naam). If you have a ship you want me to write my opinion on please leave it in the comments. If you'll excuse me, I have to run because autumn_miller012 will probably want to kill me after she sees this. Bye!

Ships :3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora