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Enzo sat on the long black sofa with his hoodie up, eyes closed thinking of nothing in particular. The door opened and the doctor had entered before shutting the two of them into this confined box of a room. The room was very basic. The wall coated in a sea foam green paint and flower pots that lined the window sill. In the corner stood a large house plant and the doctor's desk. In the middle of the room sat the singular black couch that Enzo was currently occupying at the moment. Enzo had removed his shoes and lie with his knees in his chest and arms wrapped around his knees. 

"Hello Lorenzo." The doctor spoke words that made Enzo's skin crawl. He hated that name and just about every person he's ever met knew that. Enzo stayed quiet. Not making a single sound, reluctant to even breath to prove his aggression and hostility towards the doctor.  He hugged his legs even tighter if that was possible and sat quiet.  After a minute of silence the doctor continued having a normal conversation with the teen.

"So" the crooked nosed doctor pushed up his thick framed glasses "how are you feeling this week?" Enzo said absolutely nothing. Not even acknowledging the presence of the doctor. The doctor responded with a scratch on his balding head and a "oh is that so?" The doctor continued to ask questions and reply to them himself all because the less than compliant Enzo chose to say absolutely nothing! This mutual exchange went on for about another 25 minutes before the doctor said "our time is up Lorenzo. Nice talk. I'll be seeing you again in two weeks." Then the door silently opened and closed as the boy realized that he was alone, confined to his own thoughts, like he has always been.  He sighed, tears welling in his eyes as he thought about the sad truth: he was alone. It was as black and white as this. He had "friends", too many ex-girlfriends to count, and could have anything he possibly wanted in life. All except for a true emotional bond to someone. He used to get some every weekend, but as of the previous year Enzo had been slacking. His mix of sexual tension, depression, and stress has created current Enzo. 

He quickly slipped into his shoes, not wanting to stay a minute longer than he had to in this hell hole. He jammed his hands in his pockets before heading out to the waiting area to find a nervous worried expression on his mothers face. When Enzo entered the room she ran over to him and grabbed his arms, staring him in the eyes before replying "it's time to go home." Enzo was mildly confused, but the quicker he got out of here the better. He shrugged his mom's hands off his jacket and walked to the front office door. His mom walked in the opposite direction and went to pay for the appointment. By the time his mom had made it into the car, the teen was already slouching in his chair, eyes closed, and headphones in his ears. His mom tried making small talk about the soon to be snowy weather or about the quality of homework that the boy turned in, but she found the silence to be inevitable and quickly shut her mouth for the remainder of the ride. For the most part the car ride remained pretty anti-climactic until the cherry red Mustang pulled into their driveway.

"Lorenzo honey." His mothers voice was shaky. Enzo knew that she was either angry or concerned for she never used his full name.

"Mom, you know I hate that name! Stop using it!" Enzo spat back, the anger bubbling up in him by the second. He decided that he was fucking done with these appointments and this cautious tone that had to be used around him whenever he was within listening distance of any of his family members.

Tears began to form in his mom's eyes. He tried to hold the tears, but let forth a stream of sadness.

"Mom." Enzo was slightly concerned, but not enough to compromise his own self-rage for another person. Regardless of it was his mother or not.  "Can this wait? I have things to do." His mother looked up from her hands and was wearing a face of utter shock. It almost immediately turned to that of rage. She did what she believed any rational mother would do and slapped Enzo across the face. The tension in the car was thick as the teen looked up and into his mom's eyes. She was still crying and her mascara was still running, but Enzo could fucking care less. He clicked the seat belt button and an audible pop was heard in the car. He flung the door open before shouting "Vete a la mierda puta !! ¡¡Te odio!!" He proceeded to walk to the front door, but not before spitting on the hood of his mother's prized car.  She screamed inaudible words and started banging on the horn. Enzo gave her the middle finger and ran upstairs to his room  In a blur he flicked his shoes off and landed face first on the bed, sobbing his eyes out. They burned of the salty tears and his thighs burned. His silent screams became audible as he began to scream his pain away. Nothing in Enzo's life was right anymore. Through the loud sobs of his own he heard his mom finally enter through the garage door. The tears fell from his eyes freely as much of his pain exited his body. His weakened body from early this morning couldn't sustain itself through this heavily pained moment and Enzo started to feel tired. His sobs became quieter and his complications less troublesome for the moment. The hazel eyed teens breathing began to slow to a steady pace. He continued to fade in and out of the real world before he was finally put to sleep by the soft sound of the heater blowing on his chilled skin.

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