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The day droned on for the troubled Latino teen. The barren sky left him to his own thoughts. so many things were flooding through his mind that morning. When he hadn't shown at the breakfast table by 7:30, he had assumed that his mother had decided to let him relax the day away. He sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before deciding what he wanted to do this morning. He finally settled on taking a nice long shower. The teen shuffled his way into the bathroom and reflected upon the activities that had taken place just mere hours before. Deep red splotches painted the shower. A heap of bottles lay on the ground. Enzo sighed and made his way to the shower to warm up the water. When the water temperature was sufficient for the teen he stripped himself of the rest of his rags and stepped inside the sauna like shower. The hotter water the better. The hot water kept the boy focused on anything other than the events of last night. He just wanted it all gone. He knew he had fucked up his life but maybe there was a way for a comeback sort of speak.  "Enzo!" The name slashed through the boys thoughts and brought him not only back to attention but to how the water was still gradually heating up, searing the Latinos skin. He jumped out of the water, his skin instantly cooling. "Enzo! Please come downstairs. I would like to talk to you." Enzo knew the voice, but not with the nice combinations of words that came out. Enzo figured that either someone was over at the house, or his mom was being held at gunpoint. The second option didn't seem too bad to the teen at the moment. Nevertheless the teen grunted and cut off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.  He braced his body for the cold air and threw open the connecting door a into his bedroom. After quickly rummaging through his dressers for his favorite pair of blue briefs he pulled his head into a black galaxy T-shirt and his try joggers. His hair fell flat to his head, but Enzo could care less. The teen made his way to the stairs paying special attention to the  clean house. The granite countertops had been cleaned and held on them, 2 glass cups filled with an unidentifiable liquid sitting on coasters. Enzo knew from experience that this meant there was a foreign human inside this house. As Ezno crept down the stairs he stopped dead in his tracks. His heart froze. His blood ran cold. He broke out in a sweat. Standing in front of him was the singular person who knew how to end this teens Life.
"Enzo please have a seat." His mother patted the chair next to hers. They sat in the living room decorated in cream colored paints and golden framed pictures. Enzo stood dead silent, not daring to move a single muscle. His mother stared back at the teen. "Enzo please come sit down. You're embarrassing me." His mother mumbled the last part. The black haired boy stood on that very same 2nd stair step. The elderly lady, whose spectacles could gaze into your future, and enough fat on her to feed a third world nation turned around in her seat. She cleared her throat and spoke.
"Hello there Lorenzo. My have you grown."
The teen snapped out of his trance upon hearing his first name. "Don't fucking call me that!" The teen snarled back at the aging white skinned lady.
"My my," this lady stood from her seat and walked towards the boy with her arms spread out resembling that of an eagle. " Is that how you talk to the lady who took care of you for 10 plus years of your life?"
The boy started to panic as this evil lady started to come closer.
"Fuck you!" Then teen spat. "Those were the worst years of my life and I'll be damned if I'm going to be traumatized by you some more ya hag!"
"My word!" The elderly lady appeared both shocked and grim at the same time. "Well then,Lorenzo, you're in for a surprise. Please, sit down so we can explain. "
The gears in Enzo's mind started click and turn. He grew wide eyed and snapped his head over to his mother
"Mom! You can't let this happen!! I'm YOUR child! I love you! Why are you doing this to us? To me?" The boy felt a ball of emotion welt up in his throat as his stomach began to twist in knots. He stared at his 'mother' looking for any indication that this was definitely NOT happening, but there was none.
"Lorenzo I'm so sorry and you know I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to but-"
"BUT. FUCKING. WHAT? You said you loved me? Why the hell did I ever trust you? You're just as fu-"
"Now boy! Let your mother finish! Your manners are lacking sir!"
Enzo flashed his teeth at the fattened old lady and turned back to his mother(?) who was now in tears.
"Enzo you know I had no choice" she paused and looked at her hands and stood from her seat. "Enzo I-we can't keep doing this. You get in trouble with the police. I pay a fine and we don't bring it up again. How do you expect me to care for you if you won't let me?" Enzo stood staring at this lady he no longer knew but said nothing. His face contorted into a multitude of emotions before he opened his mouth to say words, only nothing would flow out. "Enzo this woman has nurtured you through most of your life. You know I only want the best for you. That's why I have to do this." The woman was now in tears. Her eyes were puffy with sorrow and her cheeks red with disgust. "No matter what you will always be my little boy."
Enzo didn't know what to feel but he did fell something. Anger.
"How dare you even have the Fucking nerve to say you love me? You never loved me!! I trusted you with my everything and you stabbed me in the back. You're the worst excuse for a mother I've ever had the displeasure of knowing! All you are is a fucking skank! You-you disgusting whore!! Burn in Hell!!!"
The teen knew he was crying. Everyone knew he was crying. His 'mom' just explained why she had to send him back to the place she saved him from. He couldn't handle the pain at the moment.
"Im going outside!" He yelled before running out the front door, sleeve in his face to catch all the newly forming tears from the boys puffy red eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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