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"Enzo?" The shock in their voice was very apparent. Opal, a red headed busty girl about Enzo's age was staring at the boy in disbelief. He sheepishly smiled. "Enzo!" The girl screamed his name the second time and pulled him into an embrace. His 6'1 soccer player frame towered over the shorter girl. She grabbed his caramel colored skin and pulled him into the bright house, shutting out the darkness of night once again. The house was single story with many winding hallways. 

"I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? How are the folks? How is therapy going? Tell me everything!" Before Enzo could even mutter a word, the screams of other girls was heard from the other side of the house. "Opal!! Get your ass back in this room!" 

"Who is that?" Enzo asked.

"Oh yeah about that... I'm having an all girl's party tonight." Opal replied fixing her orange tank-top. "You're welcomed to stay if your parents say it's all right!" She smiled showing off her blue and purple braces.

"Well that's that thing-" Enzo started speaking. His cheeks turned a glowing color of red. "My parents don't know I left."

"Ohh." Opal stated curling her long red hair with her tiny pale hands. "Well then would you like to stay in a house with a bunch of fan-girl teenage girls?"

"Yes please!" Enzo replied with a gradual smile creeping up on his face. 

"Well then let's go meet the rest of the girls!" Opal yelled, grabbing at Enzo's maroon jacket and practically pulling him off balance. He stumbled along through the house and into the back room of the house. three girls sat in the back room. One girl stood up and shouted, "WHO"S THAT CUTIE?(!)"

Enzo immediately blushed and turned away from the loud mouthed girl.

Opal, noticing the black haired teens reaction, chimed in. "Don't mind that flut. She has a boyfriend anyways!"

"You whore!" The girl screamed and flung her minion pillow at her. The other girls began to laugh and started to slap each other with pillows.

"What's a flut?" Enzo asked, dumbfounded. Another girl answered his question with "A flut is a fake slut, duh."

"Oh." Was all Enzo managed to get out. He was feeling awkward being around so many unknown people in such an enclosed space. "

One of the girls that picked up on Enzo's social cues introduced herself to make him slightly less scared. "Hey! My name is Amber! This hoe is Ruby." Ruby was a regular height black girl who was currently wearing a minion jumpsuit and a pair of large blue glasses. Her eyes seemed as if they could peer into your soul. "The girl next to her is Sapphire." Sapphire wore an equally ridiculous minion jumpsuit. Both girls were laying in the same minion sleeping bag. They were actually the ONLY girls who brought a sleeping bag with them. Amber leaned close to Enzo's ear and whispered "They are like best friends. They do literally everything together! They are also the biggest hoes you'll probably ever meet. They both have boyfriends who are on the football team, but I would still stay away from them. But they're pretty good friends so we keep them around." Amber said that last part loud enough for all the girls to hear. The minion jumpsuit girls stood up and started to scream profanities at Amber before all the girls started to laugh. Enzo looked around for Opal who at the moment, was no where to be found. He started to get nervous. The girl named Sapphire looked at the boy and said "she went to grab movies. Calm down boy!" Enzo nervously chuckled. Sapphire took his hand and guided him to the mound of pillows that were spread out around the room. the room itself was unique. It was painted and reminded him of a candy land. The walls were pink and orange with a thick red stripe on the wall. The light fixtures were in the shapes of sky objects such as clouds, rainbows, and a sun. Enzo looked over the room and his eyes landed back on Opal. His eyes lit up as he breathed a sigh of relief. "So ladies who is ready to get this party started?(!!!????)" The girls all cheered while Opal took a seat in between Enzo and the girl who hasn't said a single word all night. He stared at her for a long while and then over at the two fake lesbian imitating girls in the minion sleeping bag. It looked to be that they were talking at the girl and then replied to words that she wasn't saying. Enzo, confused as hell, elbowed Opal in the tit which caused a yelp before she turned her body towards him. "What?" She asked in a bored tone, but which a smile on her face. Enzo tried to secretly point at the blonde haired quiet girl which got the opposite of the desired effect he was going for. She stared back at him. Ruby pushed up her huge glasses and put on her sassy black face and Sapphire looked at him and put on her sassy German(?)Irish(?) face. "Who is she?" Enzo asked Opal as if everyone in the whole room wasn't staring at him. Opal sat quiet and stared at the blonde haired girl. She was throwing her hands up in a frenzy,making gang signs and shit at him.  "Her name is Amethyst." The German(ish) girl with the dark red hair said. "And she's deaf." Ruby chimed in.

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