Chapter 4

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  I woke up a little early in the morning. I looked by my nightstand and saw the paper that Chris given me the night before with his number. Wow so it wasn't a dream.

After a while I got up and walked to the kitchen. Standing in there was my sister's husband Joel who thinks he owns me or something. I ignored him and got some cereal. Once I sat on the table he sat across from me. "Where were you last night" he asked. "I went to a concert" I said clearly trying to ignore him. "Without telling me" he said rasing his voice. "Well I told my mom about it so I don't need to tell you, you're not my dad" I said.

I got up and washed my dish. When I was going to my room Joel pushed me to the hallway. "LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled. "LISTEN GIRL, YOU NEED TO TREAT ME WITH RESPECT OR I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE DEAD" he yelled in my face. I kicked him in the balls and ran to my room. I tried to make it but he grabbed my hair slamming me to the ground. "DON'T WALK AWAY WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU BITCH" I hate him thinking he can say that to me. "OH GO TO HELL" I spat running to my room locking it.

He started banging on the door scaring me more. "IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR I WILL FUCKING BREAK IT DOWN!!!" I quickly packed some clothes and other essentials and called Chris on my phone. "Hello", he said with his sweet voice. "Chr... Chris can you pick me up please", I said through tears. " Delilah are you OK wha...", "please just hurry and pick me up" I said cutting him off. "I'm on my way" he hung up fast with worry in his voice.

Joel finally kicked the door down. I started running but he grabbed me by the neck. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING" he spat at me. "AWAY FROM YOU" he then slammed my face into the mirror by me and I fell to the ground. Suddenly someone came in and beat him up with other people. Then I felt someone carry me. I couldn't see who it was because I then passed out.

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