Chapter 25

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*four months later*

*Delilah P.O.V.*

I was currently on tour. After Vic has passed away I decided to sing in his memory for the band. Chris and I are getting married in a few months and we are very happy together. Ricky has a girlfriend who he is with currently and he's been doing better than ever and over me. The rest of Motionless in white is on tour with us also and we couldn't be more happier. My depression has been coming and going and nightmares of my past but I have a lot of wonderful people who care about me so I fight through it. Chris and I were at the beach right now with the rest of the guys. They were talking to each other and Chris and I were sitting by each other looking towards the sunset.

I then lay my head on Chris' shoulder and he put his arm around me. "I love you so much Delilah" he said holding my hand. "I love you to Chris" I said smiling. He smiled back and kissed my forehead. "Chris... Thank you for everything, for putting up with me throughout the things that been going on" I said. "No problem Delilah, I would do anything for you" he said sweetly. The rest of the guys came and sat near us as we talked. "Hey Delilah" Mike said. "Yea Mike" I replied. "Well you know you never told us of how you and Chris met" he said. I looked up at Chris. He winked at me and kissed me. I kissed back and once he pulled away he started to speak....

"It started on stage"

HI GUYS!!! Well here it is the ending of this book. I just want to thank all of you guys so much for reading this. I love you all so much and make sure to go check my Jeff the Killer fanfic!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

It Started on StageWhere stories live. Discover now