Chapter 14: A Warrior's Choice

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Chapter 14

A Warrior's Choice

I couldn't stop crying once I got back on the boat. The very sight of me had hurt him and I wasn't fast enough to keep up with him. He could be anywhere by now.

The doctors insisted on bandaging my vut fingers even though I had no idea where the cuts had come from.

There was only one way left I could help him. I had to do what he'd asked me to do and kill him. I didn't want to and I knew I most likely wouldn't be able to do so because I care for him too much. There was only one way I'd be able to do it and no one was going to like it. I'm going to have to use my powers and practice using them until my feelings are gone. It's the only way.

Good choice. Munko said from the oposite side of the boat.

"Be quiet," I muttered at him. He smirked but was silent.

I snuck out of the house that night and headed to the forest and started practicing. At first I coud do much more than make dew rise off the ground a few inches but by the next wek I could create a miniture rain shower. I improved quickly and my feelings started disapearing just as fast. They became dull and muted until one day I couldn't feel them at all. By then I had almost perfect control of my powers. The less they were controled by my emotions the better they became.

I found the way I'd made the lightbulbs explode was because I'd taken the water molcules in the air and super charged them by making them move fast enough o create enough friction to create energy. Something like how a dam works I geuss.

My grades in school when I went back were in the gutter but I quickly pulled them up to all passing with all the tests and quizes I had to make up. Without feelings of bordom or the ability to become distracted easily I quickly became better in school but I still mimed emotions so people wouldn't become suspicious. If Lexie had been around she would ahve known immdiately, but he went back to the enviroment along with Ryumakani who went back in critical condition thanks to the electric shock treatment he'd received from Illmarisuoh.

Luna would also probably be able to tell but she just got a music contract and was off touring with her band. I hadn't seen her in about a month and I only got one e-mail a week and each one was getting more and more sleep deprived. I told her to look after herself but chances are she's just workig too hard. Nothing to be doen about that. That's just the kind of person she is.

Of course stronger emotions like anger took longer to disapate. If I got irritated by someone the classroom light fixtures would explode. I practiced making other things blow up but that particular ability works best on electrical stuff. I shorted out my worst enemy's, since second grade, light sockets and ruined her laptop, iphone, and ipod. I would have felt pleased if I was still capable of it.

Then my greatest acomplishment as I yet. I discovered Munko's identity. Believe it or not but him and his twin sister Hoshiko are the lead singers of the band Sky Children. The band name isn't remarkable and sounds like a kid band but they're a band that plays just about everything under the sun except songs for ages ten and under. Their songs often feature the night and oher hard to understand concepts that aren't explained. They're reltively popular in the noth but almost no one down south here has heard of them unless A). they came from the north, B). They have friends in the north or C). they're into soe really unique music.

I found out about them from a friend that moved here from Maine. She says she doesn't care for our southern music and made sure to bring about a thousand songs from the north. Mostly all techno, pop, rock and something called nightcore. She's pretty picky about her music and I can't find a pattern in the music she likes either. It's all completely random music no one's heard of or everyone has long since stopped liking because it's annoying. She enjoys listening to it though and no one can really complain because she does have a few songs that we all really like.

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