This can't be right!

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"Let me see." He gasped as he grabbed the letter. "I...I don't believe it."

"I don't know what is happing..." I whispered shaking in fear.

"Calm down, Mania." He said calmly. "I'm sure it is just a mix up...We will talk to mum and dad when they get home. Then we will get the elders to sort this out."

"As if I don't already feel like an outcast! If anyone hears about this...I'll be so dead."


It was hard to explain the situation to my aunt and uncle. At first they believed that it was a joke. That was until we showed them the letter. They calmly called the elder for our region. We all waited silently waiting when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." My uncle said.

"It'll be fine Nia." My Aunt Sunny said hugging me. "Elder Jorah will fix this."

"I hope so." I whispered.

I could hear footsteps heading out way.

"Just this way, Elder Jorah." I heard my uncle said.

I looked up to see an elderly man in a huge dark purple coat.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"Mania, hand him the letter." My uncle said.

The elder looked at them. He then took the letter. But he just stared at me for a bit. Not saying a word, as if he was frozen.

"Elder?" My uncle asked.

The elder looked at him then back to me.

"This is what we were talking about." My aunt cried.

"I don't see the problem."

"You don't see...she can't go to Norgard. She's a norm!" My aunt cried.

"That may be. But the schools are chosen when you are born. From that point onwards there is no changing it. It is decided by fate itself. There isn't anything anyone can do. She has no choice. She will go to Nogard."

"But... but..." My Aunt whispered.

"It is done. She will be ready to go to Nogard by the 25th or else." He hissed.

After that the elder had left without a word, and handing me back my letter. Meanwhile, my family and I stood in the hallway for a while. Before I finally had enough. Without saying a word, I ran down the hallway to TJ's and mine room. I know it is weird for a boy and a girl to share a room. But in our world we take what we can get. As soon as I got into my room I wrapped myself tightly into my blanket.

What the hell was going on? I cannot go to a Dragon Keeper school. I have no special powers. They will kill me. Both Keepers and Norm's. Norm's will believe that I was one of them or a traitor. The Keepers will see me as a weak human, trying to be one of them. Keepers beat up Norm's for looking at them wrong. What will they do to me once they find out I am just a Norm?

"Knock, Knock?" TJ asked as he entered the room. " are you doing?"

"How do you think I am doing?" I hissed. "They will kill me, TJ. You know they will."

"They won't kill you." TJ said calmly.

"You know how Keepers treat Norms." I said beginning to cry.

"Yes... I know. But think about it this would mean a different life. A better life."

"That's true. But that is only if I pass. How can I pass if I have no powers?"

"Hey, I know that there is a brain in there somewhere." TJ laughed. "I know you'll figure it out. I believe in you."

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