Alcohol, teenagers and truth or dare

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Glaring at myself in the mirror, I sighed. Tugging on the hair tie and letting my hair fall out loosely on my shoulders, I marched over to my dresser. Opening up my draws and rummaging through the mess, I found exactly what I needed. 

Taking one long look in the mirror, I evaluated myself. Starting from the bottom, I smiled down at my black and white Chuck Taylor's. Moving up, I scowled at my long, pale legs to my black dress that sat just above the knee. Winter was not kind to me. Ignoring my none existing breasts, I glared at my face. My long, wavy brown hair shaping my pale smooth skin. The many years of acne and zits finally paying off. My baby pink lips looking thinner than usual and my usual green vibrant eyes now looking tired and worn out. Pulling out the red ribbon I took from inside my dresser, I pulled one piece of hair from either side of my head and tied them together in a small bow. That should keep my hair from misbehaving tonight. 

Grabbing my purse and phone from off my bed, I quietly opened my bedroom door. Peering my head around the corner towards mums room I saw the flashing lights of her TV going. Tip toeing down the hall and down the staircase I slipped out the back door. Pulling out my phone, I absently walked towards Jason's house, dialing Cody's number. "I'm on my way." Smiling as I rounded the corner on Jason's street where all the cars were parked up along the curbs. "You actually made it out of the house alive? Congrats! I'll meet you in the basement." He laughed before hanging up. 

Cody has been my best friend since primary school ever since we got sent to the principle for putting sand down each others shirts. 

Weaving my way across the lawn occupied by horny couples, I stepped up the front stairs and through the front door. The powerful stench of alcohol hit me hard, holding back a gag. Making my way straight to the kitchen, avoiding groping hands and wondering eyes, I found the familiar fridge. Taking out a can of coke and ignoring the offers of beer and vodka shots, I went downstairs to the basement. I stepped down the stairs cautiously, afraid to step on any rubbish, beer cans or that random guy no one knew passed out. Entering the basement, I looked around the dimly lit room, an attempt for a romantic mood but failing miserably. Searching the room, I saw Cody's familiar broad figure and fiery red hair. Noticing me approach him, he stepped forward, embracing me in a bone crunching hug. "Lizzy you actually made it. I thought you were just messing with me." Pulling away from me, he stared down at my bare legs and tight bust wide eyed. "Wow Lizzy, you look sexy!" Laughing, I ruffled his hair and looped my arm around his shoulder. "Wish I could say the same for you." Sticking his lower lips out in an attempt to pout, he faked a hurt expression. "Ouch Liz, let me down easy would ya?" Raising an eyebrow, I flicked the back on his head. "Have you seen Jason at all? I didn't see him on my way down here." Shrugging he moved over to the pool table, shoving a pool que into my hands. "Play with me?" Grinning like the chershire cat before setting up the balls. "I'll break." I offered before stepping around the table and splitting the balls, watching them spin across the table in different directions. Taking a swig of my coke, I spat it out. "Who spiked my drink?!" I yelled, glaring at the boys standing around the table, their hands up defensively. Peering my head around to glare at Jason's best friend, Max who was trying to hold back his smirk he stood up no longer holding back his laugh. "Sorry Lizzy but you looked tense. Loosen up a little." Moving to stand in front of him, I glared up at him, a good foot taller than me. "That's not you decision to make." I spat before throwing my can of coke all over his white v-neck, earning a round of laughs from the guys around the table. Max's hands bundling into fists, muttering 'stupid bitch' as he stormed up the stairs, slamming the door behind him. A wide smile spreading across my face, I continued my game with Cody. 

Leaning back against the pale cream couch, I put my feet up. Joining in on the guys conversations I noticed a tall, dark haired male making his way down the stairs. The guys and my conversation dying down as we all watched the unfamiliar body walking towards us. His gaze staying on the floor until he stood in front of us. Tilting his head up, his grey eyes met mine. A small smile spreading across my lips, I spoke first. "So your the new kid? Hi, I'm Elizabeth, but call me Lizzy." A shy smile spreading across his face, pulling his eyes off mine as everyone else introduced themselves. 

After we all introduced ourselves to the new guy Nathan, some idiot had the idea of playing truth or dare to get the party going. Sighing I reluctantly joined into the circle that had already started forming. Max had come back from his little tantrum, seeming to forget completely why he left in the first place. Sitting in between Nathan and a girl that had just joined in for the attention, Ashley, he took a gulp of his almost finished beer. Leaning over so he could hear me, I asked, "Have you seen Jason?" With a short giggle he responded, "He's busy," before moving his attention back to Ashley. Confused I pulled away exchanging confused looks with Cody. Shrugging it off, I replaced my confused look with a fake smile, determined not to be that needy girlfriend that needed to know exactly where her boyfriend was. I mean, I'm sure he would show up eventually. 

A shaggy haired blond sitting across from me whom I didn't recognize started. With a mischievous grin, he pointed at Nathan. "I'll start. Nathan, truth or dare?" Nathans face went pale, his fingers drumming against his leg nervously. "Truth." He croaked. Victory raining over the shaggy blonds face, a devilish smile spread across his lips. "Are you a  virgin?" Taken back by the blunt question, Nathan held back a snort. Leaning back with a shy gesture he shrugged. "Yes." All the guys got a kick out of Nathan's shy response. Hollowing uncontrollably, laughing and high-fiving each other. Feeling a pit of guilt rising through me, I sunk back against the couch not wanting to be involved in this game full of egotistic jerks. "My turn." Nathan challenged, loud enough for the guys to hear over their laughs. Max and the shaggy blond turned their undivided attention to Nathan. "What did you say?" A daring glare in Max's eyes. "I said It's my turn." For the first time since I meet Nathan, I saw a side of him I didn't expect to see from a guy who came across so shy and quiet. Confidence and determination replacing whatever embarrassment he had before. "What's your name?" Nathan directed to the shaggy blond. "Cane." He laughed, a bad attempt to foreshadow how nervous and confused he was. Nathan's sudden burst of confidence had taken everyone back by surprise, especially the males. "How many STD's have you had in the past year?" A bright red blush spreading across Cane's face. Speechless, he took a gulp of his beer, attempting to ignore Nathan's question. Slipping his hand up Ashley's thigh, she flinched, giving him a disgusted snort before getting up and moving over to sit where Nathan was. Now it was Nathan's turn to smile victoriously. Cane got up, clearly pissed off by Ashley's rejection and went up stairs. 

Sitting up on the couch, I observed the next few rounds of truth or dare. After a good twenty minutes guys were shirtless, girls had hickeys and guys were wearing thongs on their heads. Disappointed in my own generation, I stood up, prepared to leave to find Jason. Moving my way around the couple currently sucking face- clearly neither of them knew how to kiss, a hand grabbed my wrist, Cody's face coming into view. "Where are you going?" His eyes searching mine for any reason to leave. "I'm bored and I need to pee." Giving him a light smile, I slipped past his broad shoulders. Hopping up the stairs, I stepped into the hormone filled hallway. Stepping over beer cans, a couple making their way to third base and a nice pile of vomit, I made my way upstairs. Searching for the bathroom at the end of the hall, I marched towards it, my pee threatening to flow like Niagara Falls. Swinging the door open, a flash of breasts filling my vision. A row of curse words directed at me I quickly closing the door not wanting to disturb the naked couple inside any longer. Sighing, I retreated back down the hallway, looking for Jason's room, desperate to get to the bathroom in his bedroom. Opening his bedroom door and slipping inside, I felt my way through his dark room. Finally able to take a few minutes to myself to do my business. Once I was done and finished washing my hands, I stepped out of his bathroom. Feeling uncomfortable in my dress, I moved over to Jason's draws, searching for a shirt of his to replace my dress with. A movement from across the room caught my attention. More movements followed, whispering coming from the person on the other end. Sliding my hand up the the light switch, I flicked the light on.  My hands moving to cover my blinded eyes, shocked by how bright it was. Several moans and complaints coming from across the room as well. Grabbing the shirt I was looking for, I spoke without turning around. "Whoever's in Jason's bed, get out now before he finds you later." Turning around after I said that, my eyes still adjusting, my jaw dropped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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