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Gray, this is one of the most vibrant colors within black. It shines so brightly, it is almost like staring at the sun. In each shade of gray there is a completely different story. Some make you feel lonely, empty inside like it took your memories and put them behind foggy glass. Some make you feel light as air like you could float for day. Almost as though you could get away from the labors of this carefully wired system.

Although many ,when they think of gray, would categorise it as a sad color...and it often is. I has so many smiles hidden within it, so many rosie cheeks to come from it. And even though this color cries itself when in the sky, it is currently not simply a sad,suppressing color to me. Maybe this is simply due to the fact I love the brisk feeling on rain, and the smell of rain hitting the dry pavement. But I think not I think my love for Gray is deeper than it seems.

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