Chapter 5

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Once I got ‘home,’ I threw my stuff down on the couch. I went upstairs to my room and watched TV for awhile. I knew He would be home in a few minutes, so I forced myself to think about something happy.

Ireland makes me happy. She’s so bubbly and full of energy. Sure, she’s a little aggressive, but she knows how to take your mind off things. Plus she thinks I’m hot. I wonder if she thinks about me. I stole her phone and put my number in it, so hopefully she’ll call me.

I know I freaked out when I saw her without a shirt on, it’s just the first human I’d ever seen naked besides myself and my parents. Ever.

The door slammed open and He was standing in the doorway. Dr. Adams.

“What the hell are you doing?” he yelled at me, like he always does. “Did I not tell you you must be bare in my presence?”

“Yes Sir,” I said, scrambling to take my shirt and unbutton my jeans. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s better,” Adams said, looking me up and down. I tried to put my hands over my body but he dragged them away.

“Can- can I go see my parents?” I asked timidly. Adams sighed.

“Ten minutes,” Adams said, “and then we start more experiments.” He actually looked kind of sympathetic, but when I lingered a second too long he kicked me in the stomach.

“Hurry up!” he yelled, and I ran downstairs, clutching my aching ribs. I got to the second set of stairs and went down to the basement.

I opened the huge, heavy, metal door and stepped inside. I went to the far room and opened the door. I turned on the light.

My parents saw me and nearly broke their necks to come hug me.

“You went outside?” my mom asked eagerly. “Tell us what it’s like.”

“It’s amazing. It’s so bright and there’s so many colors.” My parents sat on their bed and I sat in the armchair.

“Did you make any friends?” my dad asked.

“I made four,” I told them excitedly. “Ireland and Hunter are twins and they’re vampires, and Hunter’s girlfriend Julia is a zombie. She has purple hair, and she’s a bit crazy.”

“I’m so glad you met some people,” my mom said, her eyes getting moist.

“Mom, don’t cry,” I pleaded with her. “I’m fine, really.”

“I’m so sorry, baby,” my mom said, crying. “I never wanted this to be your life. This-” she waved her hand around, “this filth. I just wish we would’ve done things differently.”

“He tricked us,” I said to her. “It’s not your fault.”

“He said he would protect us-”

It’s not your fault.

“If he hurts you, you tell us,” my dad said.

“I will,” I lied. Like I’d tell my parents Adams was hurting me. They’d kill him and probably accidentally kill themselves, too. They didn’t have as much control as I did.

“We love you so, so much, Jesse,” my dad said to me. “We’ll get out of here, I promise.”

“Yeah, we will,” I lied. “I love you, too. Always.”

I kissed my mom on her forehead and dried her tears.

“Don’t cry over me,” I said, trying to smile. “It’s not worth it.” That just made her cry more. I decided to cut my ten minutes short even though there was so much more I wanted to tell my parents. So much more.

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