The Confession

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Police Case File

Aggressor: Kiara Wenton

Age: 19 years

Conviction: Thursday 18 2003, eight-thirty pm, Wenton had broke into a convenient store, and murdered an innocent cashier under the name of Mitchell Groves. Groves was found with twenty-eight stab wounds to the abdomen, bleeding out sufficiently, some of the wounds were fatal, a show of anger must've really been demonstrated in this act of violence . Shortly after murdering Groves, Wenton began to fill a duffel bag with chocolate, water supply, and the odd tool to endure survival. Wenton shortly became homeless after both her parents had viciously killed each other over a row that sparked at two pm on Tuesday, prior to this the family had been loving and supportive to Wenton, or so we thought. Until a diary was found at the crime scene as valuable evidence.

The words are yet to be depicted fully.

Friday 19 2003 

Kiara Wenton is being questioned by the police, a day after her horrific crime at the convenient store. Depictions of her diary have now been analysed and are to be used as evidence against her statements.

Officer Wills: "Hello, Kiara. I'm Officer Wills, and I am going to be taking on your case. I'd like to create a bond with you over the time we have to really understand what was going on in your mind on the night of the murder, okay?"

Kiara's head was drawn to the floor, the automatic guilt flew to her face, her face was cold with anticipation. She was being questioned, for helping herself survive. But she can't say that, can she? Murder is unforgivable. All these thoughts ran through Kiara's head like Could I have took the things and tried to explain to him I was homeless? Could I have not robbed the store and ended up even worse than I am now? What would my parents have said? Why did you have to leave me...

Kiara looked up boldly

Kiara: "Y-Yes, I understand. Anything I say or do will be held against me, I understand, I've seen documentaries like this before, I get the gist." She says, quite like a snob, but really Kiara is just facing the facts that she would be put behind some kind of bars, she faced the fact she did something that couldn't be erased.

Officer Wills: "Okay Kiara, I'm glad you understand, do you think that is why you're so... interested in murder due to the things you've been watching on tv or your computer?"

Kiara: "Not really, I mean, Yeah.. But it didn't lead me to kill that man! I did it because he wouldn't of understood even if I told him my situation! he wasn't nice, I promise, he wouldn't of helped me so I took my own initiative to survive this hell people call Earth!" Kiara's hands were shaking with the courageous fear that had struck in her to almost raise her voice at Officer Wills. Her hands were a pale blue, and she had gone ice cold. Her brain wasn't processing the way it should.

Little does Wills know, but Kiara was kind-of going insane. She was faced with the memories and the horror of walking into the bedroom to see her parents dead bodies, she had lost many friends due to the implications of school, and they were facing their own battles. Kiara loved her parents, but now they're gone she has no one to love, to hold, to talk to. She's alone. Kiara has no family, or friends. The life of drink, drugs, and crime have all come together and become one with her. She doesn't want this, but... What else does she have? Nothing. Officer Wills opens her diary and presents open a page written with the word "DANGER" in bold, blurry, unstable handwriting, There is tear marks all over the pages, from her breakdown. Kiara is only in the first few days without her family, she's scared, and alone.

Officer Wills: "Can we talk about this page Kiara? and then I'm going to have to put you into a cell so we're able to get more information from you when you've rested more, and are more likely to have comfort with us."

Kiara's stress levels were highly raising.

Kiara: "I-I.. I was breaking down.. It's hard you know, your parents committing suicide to something you didn't even know was bothering them because they didn't speak to you. It hurts." Kiara took a gulp, fighting the tears. "I uh, I don't know what you want me to say, I'm mortified to what I saw and that's all that's led to it, insanity. I took a life of drink and drugs to make myself slightly happier than what I am now.." Kiara seems unsettled "C-Can I go now?"

Officer Wills nodded, addressing Kiara to follow his orders and return to a cell.

Kiara sat quietly, observing the officers who were walking up and down the corridor of hell, she wasn't content with where she'd got herself but I mean, she did kill someone so she got what she deserved. She just wanted to be happy and healthy. Whilst Kiara was sat on her metal, hard, cold bench in her cell, Suddenly, she starts having flashbacks to better times in her life, which seem to keep happening as her story progresses.

Flash back, to Kiara's younger years, Age 7

Kiara's family were happy, there was a mother, father and Kiara... It wasn't all happy tales, as Kiara had a younger sister, named Alicia, Alicia was... stillborn. She didn't make it. As unhappy it made the family, they still managed to put a smile on their face for their eldest, Kiara Wenton. Kiara's family blessed the ground she walked on, she was their dream. They were always saying how they wanted to create the perfect idealistic family that they could raise themselves, they were delighted with the thought of having two wonderful daughters. Due to the distress of the miscarriage, Kiara's father did take up, quite a drinking problem, but he never let it get in the way of his family life. Nothing could break them. Nothing.

Reality hit Kiara, thinking of her luxury life when she was younger, it seemed simple, she wanted it back, she would've done anything for her family.

Flash back ends.

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