How It All Started

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Hey, guys thanks for reading here is a picture of Alex Enjoy...

I knew I was different I tried to fit in but it never worked out for me. Eventually, I became use to the idea of being alone and unwanted, but it all changed the week before my 18th birthday. I woke up and immediately regretted the day I looked over at my clock 7:50 'great I'm late for school'. I got up and changed, brushed my teeth and hair, applied my makeup, and climbed out my window I didn't want to deal with my grandmother, not today. I opened the window the cool breeze hitting my face, I took a deep breath and climbed out the window. I crawled to the edge of the roof and climbed down the vines growing on the side of the house.

As I walked down the gravel pathway the gravel cracking under my shoes, I inhaled a deep breath slowly released it but that was when I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I felt a shiver run down my spine something isn't right I froze mid-step as I scanned the tree line, I spun around searching for anything but I didn't see anything, this made my heart breat rapidly as I turned around and hurried towards school.

As I turned the corner I saw the hell hole I call school, sighing I knew I had to get this day over with so I stood up straight and entered the doors of my school, however my new-found confidence plummeted when the bell rang I groaned and walked to class, I arrived at the door and heard Ms. Vinn talking I reluctantly reached for the doorknob and turned it slowly taking a deep breath before entering the class room, as the door closed behind me I was met with the harsh gaze of Ms. Vinn.

I stood there for a second before I turned towards my desk Vinn kept her eyes on me the whole time until I sat down and pulled out my book. I kept my head down but I could feel all the gazes of everyone around me. "Okay class back to chapter 9" everyone began to focus back on class except for me I just kept my head down.

The bell rang everyone left the room I stood up to grab my things "Ms. Reacher a word" I sighed and walked over to her desk. I stood there while she put her papers away, she looked up at me and folded her hands into each other. "Ms. Reacher why have you..." The door to her room opened in walked a boy with black hair almost covering his eyes, his deep blue eyes, contrasted against his pale skin he looked beautiful.... What am I thinking? Snap out of it Alex I shook my head and returned my gaze to Ms. Vinn who kept staring at the boy. "M-Ms. Reacher you can go" Did Vinn just stutter she kept her gaze strong at the boy a look of worry or fear appeared on her face. "Oh okay" I gathered my things and walked to the door I stopped when the boy didn't move I looked up at him he stared at me with a strange look almost distaste. "Excuse me" I squeezed past him he didn't even move not an inch to let me through 'asshole'.

I closed the door behind me 'what just happened?' I check my phone 8 missed calls from grandma "not good" I mumbled to myself as I put my phone back in my pocket and headed to my next class, knowing I'm in for it when I get home. Throughout the rest of the day my phone kept going off, my grandma kept trying to call me but I was in school I couldn't answer it even if I wanted to.

As the final bell rang I reluctantly gathered my books and homework placing what I needed in my bag and the rest in my locker, locking the door I headed home with a nagging sensation at the base of my neck.

I stood at the iron gates that block out the outside world I stepped through the gates the rust leaving a red residue on my hands, I wiped my hands on my jeans and walked up the gravel path. I walked through the door "I'm home" I turned around to lock the door I took off my shoes and laid my bag down on the floor. I turned around to feel a stinging pain on my face the force knocking into the wall behind me. I slid to the floor to look through teary eyes to see my grandmother holding a large knife in her hand.

She raised the knife pointing it at my chest "Where the hell were you?" she bellowed at me "S-School" I stuttered and lowered my head knowing she hates it when I look her in the eyes "School was finished 2 hours ago!" She pointed at the clock with her free hand. "S-sorry I needed to stay behind because...." I knew what was coming but I was hoping to postpone it a second longer "Don't give me any of that bullshit!" She suddenly raised the knife slicing my hand, I screamed as the knife cut my skin, staining my sleeve with my blood.

I held my hand to my chest trying to stop the bleeding, when my grandmother turned around and headed to the kitchen placing the dirty knife in the sink. "Go to your room no dinner tonight" I silently stood up still holding my hand to my chest and picked up my bag from the ground and carried it upstairs into my small room.

I could feel tears streaming down my face as I opened my bedroom door, the curtains were drawn which made it dark I flicked on the lights and my small ceiling fan turned on. I quickly went into the built-in bathroom and washed my hand, the wound was still bleeding so I grabbed my first aid kit, grabbing the gauze I wrapped my hand securing it with medical tape.

After I was satisfied with my work I washed my face with one hand wiping off my makeup and brushed my teeth, I grabbed some saran wrap that I keep under the bathroom sink, I kept it there knowing I would need it sooner or later, turns out I was right. I decided to take a shower so I took of my shirt with a little difficulty and somehow was able to get out of my jeans, but I got stumped when I tried to take off my bra baring with the pain I used both of my hands to undo my bra.

After my shower, Iwrapped a towel around me and walked into my room and grabbed a pair of blacksweats and a dark purple V-neck shirt. Climbing in bed I rolled over gratefulfor doing my homework at the library instead of at home, even though itresulted in my hand cut. I closed my eyes hugging my hand under the blanket andlet my eyes close.    

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