My Father

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Hey guys sorry this was late I've been busy with school and being sick. Here is a picture of Alex's dad how I see him but be creative and imageing your own. 

"Alex, I..." Josh reached for my hand he looked me in the eyes "I love you too!"

~End Flashback

My rivet slightly hummed as I concentrated my senses. I reached into my belt and picked out a small dagger in my left hand a loud crash rang through my ears I bent down to my knees covering my ears. I looked up towards the ceiling and saw a black shadow swallow it. Then everything went black...

Josh's POV

I was in the bathroom finished taking a shower when I heard Alex scream I opened the door and ran out towards Alex's room I opened the door she wasn't there I ran down the halls towards the library where Alex liked to hang out. I turned the corner when I saw the broken glass I ran towards it thinking Alex fell through the window I looked through and saw black powder on the window sill I rubbed it through my fingers I placed it up to my nose and smelled. It smelled like ashes with a small acidic smell.

I knew that smell, I ran to my room and grabbed my weapon belt and my two long swords and slid them into their sheaths. I ran towards the front gates I know what took Alex and I need to get her back before they hurt her or worse.

Alex POV

I woke up with a strong pain in my shoulder I opened my eyes slowly I looked around all I saw were chains on the walls and dark bricks. The smell almost made me throw up I could smell something rotting and musk. I tried remembering what happened a loud crash and blackness. I heard a loud metal door slam open I turned my head in the direction of the footsteps. I could tell there was more than one person or thing by the footsteps. When they came closer the room became colder I could see my breath. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"So, you're finally awake" a cold dark voice called out to me. I turned my head again trying to see who was talking to me. I wasn't expecting to see what I saw three dark shadows with red eyes stared at me.

I gasped I tugged on my arms I felt a pain at my wrists I looked up they were chained to the wall; my legs were also chained. "Let me go who are you?" I yelled at the three shadows still staring at me.

"What you don't recognize your own kind?" My own kind what? I looked them over then it hit me "demons" I huffed under my breath. The three shadows grinned their sharpened teeth glowed even in the pitch darkness.

"Where am I? Why did you take me?" I asked afraid I already knew the answer "Your father our king is waiting for you" one of the demons stated. In the demon in the middle walked up to me I held my breath as he unlocked the chains around my wrists and ankles.

"Let's go" he grabbed my hand and brought me out of the dungeon. His grip on my hand was tight I could feel the lack of circulation taking affect on my hand. He dragged me through long hallways with many shadows lurking in the corners theirs eyes drilling holes into my back.

We reached two large wooden doors the two demons that walked behind me pushed open the doors. I was dragged into the middle of the large room where a man sat in a large chair. The room seemed to of been built around the chair. All the windows were angled so the person could look outside without getting up. The framework was built towards the chair so attention would be drawn towards the chair.

However, it wasn't needed the man sitting in that chair brought enough attention to it. He sat leaning back against the chair his hand in his lap unlike all the other demons he wasn't a shadow he had pale skin almost where I could see his veins from across the room. His hair was black like mine; his eyes were a hazel color mine where the same. I was regretting what I was thinking.

"Hello daughter" the man said my stomach dropped I swallowed 'It can't be'. "Don't be shy come..." the man gestured with his hands for me to come closer I stood my ground I didn't trust my legs to move and I wouldn't blame them.

A small frown appeared on the man's face but was soon replaced with a smile. "Oh how much you have grown I always had my demons keeping an eye on you but seeing you in person is something extraordinary." He took a step closer "I was informed that you were attacked by a member of the demon assassins."

A silence fell over the room he stood another step closer to me I could feel the power radiating off him. I took a step back but the demons that were behind me pushed me forward I lost my footing and fell to the floor skidding my knees and scraping my hands on the floor.

I looked up to see the man bending down towards me offering me a hand. I slowly reached for his hand and he helped me stand up. I quickly retreated my hand from his. "What do you want with me" "I wanted to see my daughter is that a problem?" I looked at him raising my brow.

"Alright, I couldn't refuse that look on your mother anyway" My heart clenched I never knew my mother but him bringing it up didn't set right with me. "I need an heir to my throne I won't live forever and you are in your prime to start training to be queen" he stated like it was nothing. I felt my jaw hit the floor "Q-Queen I won't be queen I refuse" "I'm afraid daughter that isn't an option" he snapped his fingers and I felt a sharp pain in my neck I jerked away from it and a syringe fell to the floor.

I looked at the demon that stabbed my neck he kept smiling at me I could see venom dripping from his mouth.

I looked over to my father and the grin he greeted me with returned. I felt my head begin to become heavy I wanted to fight back but my free will seemed to of been floating away "W-what did you do to me" my hands began to shake "not much just a small injection of my blood the demonic powers in my blood will pull your angelic powers away which give you a free will and great strength against my powers. He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders his cold skin crept through my shirt and made me shiver.

"Now go change into your proper attire" I felt myself nod and turned towards the door two demons stepped in front of me and guided me to my room. I felt my body slightly refuse but soon gave in I walked down the darkened hallways and turned the corner where a large door was placed at the end of the hall.

The door reached the top of the wall and was a deep red with black knob with the symbol 'A' on it, I slightly chuckled 'A for Alex'. I turned the door knob and face the two demons I nodded my head towards them and walked into my room.

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