Assassins, Demons, and Angels!

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Hey! It's me again what do you think so far I'm trying to add as many pictures that I can enjoy...

I woke up in a large bed in a white room I sat up which was a bad idea my head felt like someone was banging on it with a hammer. I put my head in my hands trying to calm the pain down, "Does your head still hurt?" I looked up to see Josh leaning against the doorway with his hand in his pockets. "Yea, what happened where am I?" I looked around the room there were no windows no furniture just the bed and the door. "After the man attacked you, you past out so I brought you to the bureau."

"Bureau what's a bureau?" I asked "It's my home and now your home" I looked up at Josh he seemed happy but there was a small glimmer of sadness. I felt my heart sink it was my fault that he is all alone now this always happens where someone shows a little bit of care for me and they get hurt in the process. I lowered my head it's all my fault I felt tears forming "J-Josh I'm so sorry this is all my fault you shouldn't have saved me just please leave me alone" I placed my head in my hands and let the tears fall.

I felt warm arms wrap around me I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he is strong he continued tightening his grip on me. He placed his head on my neck I could feel his ragged breathing "Don't you ever say that it's not your fault." he said through clenched teeth. I could feel him shaking I placed my hands on his back and held him tight.

"Josh" I called him I felt him relax and looked up at me my throat tightened I looked into his eyes they were full of sadness I reached up and placed my hand on my cheek which he leaned into. My heart was tightening he was so cute and sweet as I continued to look into his eyes Josh began to lean in our foreheads were touching I could see all the pain I caused him "Josh I'm so sor..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt a pair of warm lips on mine.

I was surprised that Josh kissed me but I relished in it I never had a boy kiss me before. I kissed him back I felt like I was melting I placed my hands in his hair it was surprisingly soft. I felt Josh pull me closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We broke apart for air I looked into Josh's eyes he placed his forehead on mine. "Alex don't ever say that you aren't important to anyone don't act like the pain you are given is nothing don't pretend anymore not with me, ok." I took my hands off his neck and placed them in my lap I leaned back and lowered my head. Could I trust him I haven't been able to trust anyone before I felt like I was alone in my life but when I look at Josh I see something different.

I knew I could trust him "Ok" I whispered "What was that Alex I didn't hear you" he teased I looked up at him and smirked "Ok" I leaned in towards him and he captured my lips. I felt my heart soar I knew I could trust Josh the only guy I think I could trust I reached my hands back into his hair and pulled. Josh pulled away but soon captured my neck with his lips. I felt like my heart was going to explode when "grrr...." my stomach growled. Josh pulled away a smirk on his face "come on let's get you some food" he stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bedroom.

When we walked into the hallway it was a long and tall hall with dark grey paneling with black framing. The walls were full of large painting of people who looked like they came from the 1900s and among the paintings, there were glass cases full of swords and daggers.

We continued on walking through the halls "these are painting of our founding fathers our first was William Washington" he pointed toward one of the biggest paintings on the walls, the painting showed some wear the corners where slightly faded. "Founders, founder of what?" I looked up at Josh he looked down at me his grip on my hand tightened. "Of the demon assassin's" he lowered his head "d-demons?" I asked did he just say demons but I thought that they don't exist.

"Yes demons" he sighed "are you scared now?" he looked at me I thought I should be scared but with Josh next to me I knew nothing bad would happen to me. I looked up at him "no I'm not" I said I reached up to Josh and placed my hand on his cheek. Josh leaned into my hand I could feel his warmth through my hand he smiled back at me and pulled me closer towards him he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back but soon Josh's stomach growled, I laughed against his lips and pulled back. Josh stood back and pulled me down the hall.

At the end of the hall there was a large door Josh pushed it open to reveal a gourmet kitchen with a large table in the middle of the room. The white walls gleamed off the lights above. Josh brought me to the table and pulled out a chair for me I sat down and he pushed the chair in, I could feel a blush growing on my cheek. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out eggs and bacon., he walked over to the stove and made scrambled eggs and fried the bacon.

Soon he came back and handed me the plate full of eggs and bacon "Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked the eggs making my mouth water "I will when you are done now eat up" He handed me a fork I looked down but I turned the plate so the bacon was towards him "have my bacon I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian" I stated "a what oct what?"

I laughed at Josh's confused face "A lacto-ovo vegetarian, it's a vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy but not poultry, fish or meat." "Oh ok but I don't want you to be sick if I eat the bacon in front of you." "It's ok I don't mind, I just don't eat meat, I don't care if other people eat it." "Oh ok" Josh reached for the bacon and quickly ate it.

When I finished eating my eggs Josh took my plate and placed it in the sink and ran the water. I stood up and walked over to him "I can wash the dishes you don't have to do everything for me" I reached for the dish but Josh placed it out of my reach by placing it above him "Oh no you don't go sit down I'm almost done" Josh said "b-but" Josh leaned down and quickly pecked my lips.

He pulled away and continued to wash the dish. I stood there baffled I looked back at Josh and leaned against the counter. Josh began to pull his lower lip from his teeth. Which was really sexy, I looked away from Josh feeling the redness on my cheeks.

When Josh was done washing the dishes, he wiped his hands off on a towel and grabbed mine "Come on I'll show you around" Josh pulled me through the whole bureau showing me the many rooms the huge library, the weapon room, the infirmary, and the many bedrooms which were empty when Josh showed me them he seemed sad but he soon was back to smiling brightly at me. We stopped back at the library, he showed me a book of how his kind was first made I knew I was going to regret this question but I had to ask it and I didn't know how it would affect me and how it affected Josh.

"Josh, how does all of this involve me?" I asked Josh froze while flipping the page. He dropped my hand and walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a thick leather bound book. He brought it over to the table without looking at me. He dropped the book on the table dust flying in the air which made me cough. I waved my hand in front of my face trying to get rid of the dust, Josh flipped the book open to a picture that looked like an angel and a dark shadow fighting.

"Alex.." Josh turned me towards him and grabbed my shoulders "Alex everything you think is fake is real, everything is backwards from what people tell you. There are humans, demons, and angels. Demons and angels have been fighting since the beginning but one day one angel and demon meet but instead of fighting they began to care for each other.

Which many would see as treason the angel and the demon fell in love and got married they had a child soon after. When the child was born, they ran away from their kind but they were soon found and the husband was killed the wife was able to flee but was gravely injured she was able to give the child to a witch was to act as the child's guardian.

A small group of demon spawn was built to protect the child, but now they know that the child has become of age with that her powers increase with her becoming of age.

That child is you, Alex your mother was an angel and your father was a demon." 

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